Friday, September 30, 2022

A Couple Things...



Over the past little bit, there has been a lot to process in the news.

A couple things...

Okay, sooooooo Putin goes into Ukraine, claims some land, forces people to "vote" in favour of his claims, then just declares, "Now these pieces of your Country are mine"? 

That can't be how it works... right?

I mean, by that logic, carjackings are legal, and armed robberies, muggings, anything... really. 

It's insane.

He's losing the war he started, so he's trying to upend the chess board and declare victory.

Sound familiar?

The Grand Q Cheeto has the same mindset. Sadly for him, the country he lives in is not yet corrupt enough for him to have succeeded in his coup. If he had recruited smarter people, he might have pulled it off. Hell, if he had an IQ higher than a piece of belly button lint, he might have pulled it off. 

Even with his cluster of idiot clowns, he managed to get closer than he ever should have. He and his minions continue to try. 

The only way to stop the trying is to have a complete, utter, and absolute gargantuan blue wave hit the states in November. 

I don't want that Putin wannabe, or any of his asshat henchmen, as the leader of our neighbours to the South. 

I don't understand wanting to drag your country backwards, as the rest of the world embraces the future. I don't understand wanting to pull back on equality. Wanting to deny what the planet is showing us in real time. It makes no sense.

Another thing...

Today, in Canada, it's our National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It's a day set aside to learn and listen. It's a day to honour the grief forced upon the Indigenous people who were here when our great grandmas and grandpas got here. It's only the second one. Does it fix everything... or anything? I think, over time, as we listen to and honour the stories of the children and families who were and continue to be devastated by our judicial, education, and social systems, healing is possible. 

Truth... the learning of it, the listening to it, the acceptance of it, has to be honestly honoured first. Then, and only then, can the process of Reconciliation, and healing begin? 

We stepped into their world and claimed it. We were Putin, in that scenario. Hopefully, we can learn from our history, as to avoid its repetition. 

One more thing...

Answer me this... If Donald Trump is such a whiz at making money, why does he keep having to ask for handouts from the blue collars who support him? His party looks down their brown noses at any and all that need help, a hand up, monetary help to get them through, yet here he is, begging for spare change over and over and over again.

He has a decades-long reputation of not paying his bills, screwing over anyone and everyone he can. Always punching down because... of course he does. He never met a minority he didn't like to suppress or make fun of. He's gone bankrupt multiple times, never following the rules the rest of us are required to.

I think those days just might be coming to an end. 

It's looking more and more like there will be consequences. Some small, some fairly consequential. Will he get jail time? Who knows? Will he end up penniless, working as a Walmart greeter? One can only hope. Or, maybe just maybe, those who follow him will finally see that this particular Emporer is as naked as the bamboo's ass he is. 

One can only hope...


Until next time...

May all in pain from scars, new and old, find a path to healing, a path to peace.

May we wrap our arms around those weathering storms, physical and emotional, bringing ease.


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