Saturday, September 17, 2022

Iconic Majesty... For...Against... A Historic Passage...


Although I've never really been a big Royal enthusiast, I have had a curiosity.

On one side, the whole idea of a "Royal Family" seems very old-fashioned. Propping up an elite ideal for a purpose that is kind of mystifying. I remain unclear about what they actually do. I know they travel, host dignitaries, participate in a lot of pomp and circumstance, follow a lot of rules that, in this day and age, seem downright archaic, and wave... a lot. 

They define the word "colonizer" very literally, muddying up anything good they may have done since. Although they remain a Sovereign entity in name only, for the most part, they remain revered in many countries. 

A twist on Stockholm syndrome? Or is it simply a way to reconcile with the past and move on? I'm not sure.

On the other side, some have a real distaste for what the Royal family represents, in the past, in the present, and moving forward. They resent this ultra-privileged tiny group of people living a jet-setting life, on the taxpayers' dime. Regular people struggling to make ends meet have to watch their hard-earned money to support a basically ancient concept. 

I think we love the idea of a real-life fairytale. Real kings, queens, princes, and princesses. The grandeur, the fantasy. But in all practicality, all those homes, the castles, the space, the land, would, if put to a different use, could solve a big chunk, if not the entire homelessness problem in England. 

I, for one, am torn. 

I love the fairytale. The writer in me loves the romance of it all. 

The practical wife, Mom and Grandma in me feels it's ridiculous for so few to live in spaces that could so easily house so many vulnerable people who need it so desperately. 

That being said, Queen Elizabeth II, had the weight of the crown thrust upon her head at an age that most kids now, are struggling to find the wherewithal to adjust to adulthood. She didn't ask for it. She had no control over the circumstances of her birth any more than any of us.

We play the cards we are dealt. 

Some get a royal flush, others dealt a complete hand of jokers. Equal but different, it all depends on the game you choose to play. 

We are at the cusp of another change of season. The incredible colours are again prominent, giving us the heads up of what's to come. 

We know what's in store will likely hold a resemblance to the past, but will bring new adventure, as well. 

We all need to carry the weight of whatever crown we are given. We do, though, get to choose what that looks like. Life is going to happen, regardless of our level of worry. I refuse to believe that we are on this earth to take everything seriously. Life is good, life can be hard, life is a series of unplanned adventures, with bits of on purpose in between. We might as well have as much fun as possible along the way. 


Until next time...

May the majesty of the season not be lost in the day-to-day.

May we take a minute to appreciate the beauty of what's right in front of us, it's a true display.

May we find a way to live life lighter, not allowing the weight of our crowns to impede our delight.

May we give ourselves permission to let things go, laugh more, play more, flip the dark to light. 



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