Saturday, November 26, 2022

Christmas Lists... Naughty Or Nice?



So, shopping for Christmas.

For those who celebrate, it can be a stressful time. If you have those little, big-eyed, sticky-fingered, over-excitable believers still in your midst, it can be especially so.

They write their lists, and send them off, hoping, wishing, and putting in extra effort to stay off the naughty list. Now, different folks are in different circumstances. Not every parent or caregiver can pull off buying all, or maybe even any of the things on a little one's list. 

So, for those who can, that's awesome, but I'm wondering if you might consider making the Santa gifts that land under your tree, the most affordable ones. I mean, let's face it, the littles come back to school and daycare after the holiday, and are all very excited to tell each other what the big guy brought them. 

If I'm one of the littles who lives in a challenging tax bracket, I might think that I'm not worthy of Santa's best, like my little friends are. I can start to internalize pretty quickly that I must somehow be less than, if others opened their wishlists and my list was seemingly ignored. 

So those of you who are able, and wish to, by all means, go nuts. But, if you could, please make the 'best' gifts from you, not Santa. For those who may be struggling to put gifts under the tree, all you can do is your best. Gifts do not define the holiday. Making the holiday special doesn't have to break the bank. 

More than anything kids want you. Your time. They want you, present, all in. Marathon Candyland, silly movies snuggled on the couch, funny Christmas songs, walking or driving around looking at lights, making cookies... you. They just want to know they matter. 

So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go give my 10-year-old stand mixer a workout I'm not all that confident she's up for. She tends to make some weird noises when exerting herself and overheats randomly. She is not just my mixer, she's my soul mate. 


May your child, no matter their age, feel the magic that Christmas brings.

May they giggle as the loop of jingle bells, batman smells, choruses ring.

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