Friday, December 2, 2022

Yes, It's Stupid Cold...


So we got our first taste of sub -40 today. Likely the first of several before the snow melts. For those who live where the air NEVER hurts your face, here's what it's like.

This is when you load enough extra winter gear into your car to stave off freezing in weather just like this for several hours.  This gear will ride around until April.

Alongside the gear will be a candle, a roll of toilet paper, emergency snacks, reflectors, a shovel, and some kitty litter. (for traction if needed, weight to keep you from sliding around, if not needed)

You will make sure your gas gauge never falls below half in case you get stuck and need to stay in your running car to not become a human popsicle. 

This is when you try your best not to have uncovered skin exposed to the elements for more than about 30 seconds. 

This is the time of year I feel for those new to our neck of the woods. 

This is when you BETTER not forget to plug in your vehicle. For those who live in places where the air DOESN"T hurt your face, vehicles up here have a thing called a block heater, and if you have any hope of starting said vehicle to go to work, or anywhere else for that matter, you need to plug that sucker in for at least a few hours before you attempt to start it. 

This is when it's too cold to snow. Yes, that's a thing. 

Yes, it's stupid cold. Yes, it adds an extra challenge to the regular day-to-day. Yes, this makes a person consider buying a ton of stock in companies that make lotion. Yes, this weather triggers an urge to make copious amounts of homemade soup. 

Are there worse things? Always. Are there those who have it harder? Most definitely. 

All you have to do is take a walk in any of our cities. The unhoused fight to survive the bitterness. 

Please do what you can to support the charities that support the ones doing their best to survive the cold. Warmth should be for everyone, not just the lucky ones.  


May every beating heart find enough warmth to feel safe, accepted, and seen.

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