Friday, December 16, 2022

If Your World Feels Dark...


This time of year can be really tough for so many, especially those who live with any or all of the shades of depression that exist in this world.

Struggling to stay out of the shadows that want to consume you can be exhausting, overwhelming, and can, sometimes, feel impossible. 

For those who fight to live in the light...

I am not an expert, and will never claim to be. What I am is a loved one of several people who live with anxiety disorders, bipolar, ADHD, and other challenges. 

If you are finding this holiday season ultra-difficult, please know you are not alone. 

We all feel stress. None of us feel or process it in the same way. None of us are wired the same way. None of us have had the same upbringing, even if we grew up in the same house. 

So..... none of us are in a place to judge how anyone else handles it. 

If you find the holidays easy, if you handle stress and anxiety in stride, that's awesome.

If you struggle, you are far from the only one.

If you are finding that this year is harder, that the dark is working overtime to swallow you whole, please reach out.

Call someone. Talk to anyone. Friends, family, co-workers, strangers. Literally anyone. Just know that you matter, you are wanted, that your light touches more people than you can imagine.

Please remind yourself that everything is temporary. 

I know how lame that sounds, but that doesn't make it any less true.

If you are in the clutches, please don't try to shake it off on your own, please don't mask it for others, please don't isolate yourself.

If you whisper and no one hears, talk louder, if talking isn't getting through, scream. 

We want you here. We want to see you, talk to you, hang out with you, help you.

When the fight seems too hard, just know you never have to fight it alone. 

We are here. 

Even if we don't know the exact right thing to say or do in the moment, we are here.

Even if you think we don't care, we are here.

Even if you think we don't like you, we are here.

Even if you think you are an unliftable burden, we are here. 

Even if you think there couldn't possibly be anyone who gives a crap, we are here.

We are here. We want you here too. All of you. Every part of you. We want you here.


May you know, really know, that you are cared for, are loved, even if you can't feel it right now.

May you understand to the depths of your soul, that if you keep reaching, someone will be there, some way, some how. 

May you hold on, for the darkness will fade with help, healing, and time.

May you know we are there to help you with the climb. 


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