Saturday, April 29, 2023

It's Not The Colour Of The Cup...


I wish I could take credit for these images. Unfortunately, I can't, nor can I attribute them to anyone in particular because I couldn't find out who is responsible for these poetic visuals.

Sometimes, pieces of art, in any form it might take, just calls your name. 

Sometimes it's images, sometimes it's music, sometimes, it's something as simple as a well-turned phrase.

So, whenever I am asked the questions about favourites, as in, favourite, book, author, movie or food, I generally give the following answer:

It depends on the day. 

What's going on that day, what is the vibe of those around me. what the weather is like? Oh, and which hormone on the randomizing wheel of nightmarish menopausal options will be the most obnoxious on that day? Will it be the one that makes me mad at stupid things? The one that makes me cry for absolutely no reason? Will it be the one that shouldn't really be in the presence of other humans? Or, my favourite, the brain dead hormone that propels me to wander around my house forgetting why I've walked into any room... all damn day?

The real answer is this. Favourites change. Or, in my opinion they should at least be open to change. Your favourite song when you were ten shouldn't be your favourite song now, should it? The same goes for your favourite book, movie, tv show, food and so on... 

When your heart and mind have permission to be sincerely open, your beliefs, tastes, and opinions about things evolve with time, life experience, and the growth that comes with maturity. As we grow, we develop the capability of accepting new ideas, critically thinking them through, and coming to logical conclusions. 

We no longer throw tantrums if we don't get to drink out of the blue cup. We discover that the colour of the cup means nothing, it's the contents that count. 

We no longer refuse new things simply because they are new. We learn that trying new things is the only way to discover what fits who we are. 

We no longer reject others because they simply won't play what we want to play. We learn to accept the ideas of others. We learn to accept that different is rarely bad. We learn that we can entertain our own belief systems all the while accepting that others believe differently. Neither of us are right. Neither of us is wrong. We are just different. And that is fabulous. 

We learn to share, to compromise, to understand that the world exists beyond the boundaries of our childhoods. Or, at least we should.

There are some out there clinging desperately to outdated ideals. They are pushing restrictive concepts that will, if put into action, make life hell for some that are very near and dear to my heart. And, unless you live under a rock. or have an almost fatal case of ostrich syndrome, some that are near and dear to your hearts too. 

If the poison that is rapidly infecting our neighbours down south, seeps into our Home on Native Land, if those asshats get their way, my grandson, my nephew, my great nephew, my cousin's child, and many more who maybe haven't quite yet figured out where they land, along with every other person who has the frickin' audacity to live outside the lines drawn by straight, white, old men, will have their freedoms stripped.

They won't be able to dress as they like, love who they love, get married if they choose to, have kids if they so choose... it's ridiculous. 

Drag queens are dangerous to kids? When is the last time you saw a drag queen, show up on Dateline. 'catch a predator' edition?

If you take the time to actually look up the stats, facts, charges, and convictions of child predators, groomers, and abusers, guess which demographic the overwhelming majority of these monsters stem from? Yup, those same straight white men who are trying to scapegoat the queer community. Yup, youth pastors, priests, teachers, coaches, doctors.... the list is sadly endless. 

The world is slowly changing for the better, and those that have held the power for far too long are getting desperately uncomfortable. Things are likely to get worse before the dam breaks. They are kicking and screaming, fighting and spitting, trying to change every law that allows a woman autonomy over herself. They are banning books, trying to dictate how you should parent your kids, they are trying to eliminate the queer community. (I wish that was hyperbole).

They are, without a doubt, terrified that once the power shift has completely changed, and they are no longer in charge of anything, they will be treated the way they have treated others. 

When, as a woman, I'm out in the world on my own, vulnerable, who do I fear? Who do I have my head on a swivel for? Who am I placing my keys between my fingers for? Who is most likely to be the one to assault me? I'll give you one guess. Here's a hint... not one single soul from the queer community, I'll tell you that.

We are a mere couple of generations away from real change. Let's try our best to make it happen faster, shall we?

Let's vote for people who support, and are willing to accept true change.

Let's stop voting for the ones that still throw a tantrum over the blue cup. 

Now, after all of this, a new question may arise. Do I even like straight white men?

The answer?

It's not the colour of the cup that matters. It's the content that counts.

I'm married to a soon-to-be 59-year-old straight, white man, and have been for decades. The thing is, he is the biggest cheerleader for all who want to colour. Inside the lines, outside the lines, hell, make your own lines and colour those or don't. 

It's not the colour of the cup...

So if you find yourself upset or scared about the ideology of acceptance. Please ask yourself why. Be honest with yourself. Dig deep, and don't stop until you are absolutely sure the thoughts propelling your resistance are coming exclusively from your own soul. As we grow, we develop the capability of accepting new ideas, critically thinking them through, and coming to logical conclusions. 

Just remember... tolerance and acceptance are NOT the same thing. One holds its nose, the other embraces every colour under the rainbow. 


May we, as humanity, stop intentional cruelty. 

May we stop putting ourselves in high places that have never been ours, just so we could look down on those we feel are beneath us.  

May we put forth people of power who will sincerely fight for those without means, without shelter, without a voice.

May we, all of us, stop. Free ourselves of the myth that hard work brings about prosperity no matter who you are. 

May we create a society in which each and every person has a fundamental right to food, shelter, and dignity. The fact that they are human makes them worthy, they need nothing else. 

May we do better, be better, live better, love better.


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