Saturday, April 22, 2023

Things I've Learned...


The older I get, the more it sinks in that what motivates different people is very mysterious.

What do I mean?

Well, for instance, what motivates a bunch of people to buy beer, as in spend your hard-earned money on it, have the store from which you purchased it make their money, and the producer of the product make their money, what motivates you, after your money has left your pocket, to take said beer and destroy it?  Some used baseball bats, some ran over it with their vehicles, yet more shot it. There were other methods used, but you get the drift. 

From what I can gather, the motivation came from an ad. This beer brand had the audacity to embrace inclusion. The audacity to show representation from a diverse and horribly underrepresented group of people. 

That's it.

Whatever Bud, destroy your Bud if you must. It makes no sense, will make no difference, and definitely reveals your bigotry, but hey, if you want to waste your money, you do you. Who am I to point out how dumb it is?

Another one...

What motivates people to destroy their careers, relationships, reputation and character to protect a man who couldn't give a crap about them if he actually tried... which he won't... ever... just ask his kids.

The list of people willing to get charged, thrown in jail, disbarred, disavowed by family, fired, and completely abandon their principles, character, smashing any kind of moral compass they may have had, grows daily.

The amount of elected officials, lawyers, and just regular people that are willing to trash their entire lives is simply baffling. Anyone with eyes, ears, and a functioning understanding of how the world works can see that the King of Mar-a-Lago is done. If he is very lucky, he won't die in prison. So, I don't get it. But, then again, I don't have to. Trying to find sense where there is none is exhausting. Another thing I've learned. 

And another thing...

Attaching some googly eyes and a clown nose to a glorified tree stump can make almost anyone smile, regardless of their mood. It's just not possible to be aggravated when you see it. What motivates anyone to provide smiles, unprovoked, without being asked? A sweet soul, that's what. It's not complicated. 

Oh... and...

What motivates me to make not one, but two roast chickens? False Spring... that's what. When all of the green that was so reassuringly poking through get buried, when all of the puddles freeze over and are covered, once again, when winter simply decides she's not done yet, you make comfort food. Or, at least, that's what I do. So, roast chicken, eat one, freeze one for later, mashed potatoes, served with gravy and a mess of veggies is just what happens. 

One last thing...

What motivates these ramblings? 

In the beginning, it was simply to document my journey as an author. Over the years it has evolved. Now, these ramblings are being read in 20+ countries each week, by people from all walks of life, from every tax bracket, religion, and every colour of the Rainbow. Yes, Rainbow. 

You've trusted me with your stories. You've come at me when you disagree. You've shown both how beautiful and harsh humanity can be.  I encourage it all. I never expect everyone to like or agree with my thoughts. That would be insane. The world would be excruciatingly boring if everyone thought the same way.

That, does not, however, give a pass for cruelty.

I get so tired of people trying to justify their hate with platitudes. "That's just who I am", "I call it like I see it." Or they hide behind cherry-picked excerpts from a Bible that has been translated and rewritten more than any other book in history. As a writer, I can tell you this, the final product NEVER reflects all of the same ideas as the first draft, and when you add language translations? I mean...

What motivates these ramblings?

I'm just trying to do the most with the life I've been given. I'm trying to do whatever I can to promote acceptance, inclusion, respect and kindness. 

Am I a smartass? At times. Do I get pissed? Sometimes. I'm human. Just like all of us. 

I'm just out here doing whatever I can to make sure our kids get to be kids. That they don't have people preventing them from being who they authentically are, something only they can determine. I'm just trying to do what I can to make sure books of all kinds remain available to all who want to read them. I'm out here, doing whatever I can to create a safe space for those who find they have none elsewhere. 

I'm here to do what I can to leave this planet, in any small way, better than when I found it.

I want my great-grandbabies to learn about the harshness, inequality, war, and oppression that humanity insists on inflicting upon itself in History books, not from experience. 

So... Things I've learned...

Don't throw your life away for people who don't deserve it. And.... NOBODY deserves it.

Pick carefully the hill on which you are willing to die... Don't let that be a beer ad. 

Do what you can to move the goalposts in the direction that your great-grandbabies will be able to be proud of. 

Don't be a dick.


May every effort you make toward kindness be multiplied by those who follow.

May the promise to vanquish every cruel, venomous word and action be sincere, not hollow.

May the phrase "active shooter drill" be stricken from every language. With purpose. 


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