Friday, July 7, 2023

Time Is Strange...


Time is strange. This week, my hubby and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary. It feels simultaneously like yesterday, and a lifetime ago. 

It's been anything but boring up to this point, and I have no reason to think it will get anywhere close to it moving forward. There have been peaks and valleys, we've celebrated blessings and have suffered losses. We've pretty much run the gambit of marital vows, loving each other through richer, poorer, sickness, health, through each darkness and every light. 


For us, that has meant marriage, that's what we choose each and every day. Marriage isn't for everyone, but I do believe everyone needs a partner, so to speak. That may or may not include romance, but it most definitely means unfettered, ride-or-die-level friendship. Maybe you prefer a roommate, maybe you like living alone. You're ride-or-die doesn't necessarily need to be in your day-to-day. They are the person or people you know you can rely upon. The ones who will drop whatever is going on if you need them to. 

They are the ones that have experienced you at your worst, and love you anyway. They are the ones that show up first, with wine, chocolate, ice cream, a bat, whatever the situation requires, and ask questions later. 

You recognize them, these kindred souls, when you meet. Romantic or not, there's a connection. Instantly comfortable, like you've known each other forever. Easy. 

Nurture those relationships, never take them for granted, for life doesn't come with guarantees of tomorrow. 

Yes, time is strange. Even with my hips, knees, and hot flashes reminding me on the daily that I'm not 20 anymore, I still have to pause and do the math if I'm asked my age, without warning. 

Of course, I know my daughters are all in their 30's, but it still feels like yesterday that they were all snuggling with me on the couch watching cartoons. They are grown, wonderful adults, but I still get glimpses of my babies now and then. A certain movement, a look in the eyes, a grin... it hits. There you are


May you find and cherish the souls that fit with yours.




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