Friday, July 26, 2024

Plot Twist!!!



I didn't have wildfires taking out iconic, historic buildings in Jasper, Alberta on my bingo card for this week... I mean... at all.

The person in charge of the Province of Alberta wants to blame our Prime Minister, because of course she does, but as it turns out, she needed to let the Federal government KNOW they needed federal help by asking for it... out loud, and not be so incredibly immature and ignorant in her hate that she literally let it burn rather than go through the channels that have been in place for literal decades for these kinds of crises. She is shitty at her job and needs to be fired. 

The information coming out of the region is horrifying. The destruction and loss... I mean... it's hard to wrap your head around it, honestly.

To think that it just didn't have to get this bad if she had just... 

But she didn't.... so here we are.

Firefighters from all over are volunteering, being flown in, and putting themselves in jeopardy to help. Shelters for people and animals alike are popping up everywhere. Humanity is rallying.

Not all angels have wings.

Another thing that was definitely NOT on my bingo card? A strong black Gen X woman strutting with well-deserved confidence and conviction into the American Presidential race, immediately scaring the shit out of no other than the Grand Orange Cheeto himself.

Talk about a plot twist!

Joe is an incredible human, proving, as always, his savvy in his timing, true to his character, putting service before self. Now, it's the Prosecutor v. the Felon. Literally. Captain BoneSpurs decided to take on as his running mate a guy who has changed his name a few times, has some sort of weird hatred for women without children, likes dolphin porn, and may or may not have had sex with a couch. I mean, it makes "I can see Russia from my house" lady seem completely sane!

She must be this racist misogynist's worst freakin nightmare. Strong, black, female, smart, competent, sharp as hell, young, beautiful, joyful, emails, no stutter, no age issues, no health issues.... uh oh....

He's already backed out of one debate, and I'm sure he'll find excuses not to have others. He knows he'd be blown out of the water, be utterly humiliated, and be exposed for the moronic fraud that he is. I mean, most of us have known for years, but there are still a few who cling to the hype of a twenty-year-old reality show. The fictional successful business man who never existed in real life. It was all smoke, mirrors, and Daddy's money. Grifting was, and still is, the true family business, as has been proven time and time again in courts all over the land. 

Joe made strides many thought would be impossible, considering the mess he inherited, forging a path for the next generations to follow, lighting the way. He is humble enough to know when to pass the torch, and enough of a patriot to do so. I am more hopeful than ever for our neighbours to the South.

Where the US is concerned it is going to be an incredibly fascinating 100 days or so...

Where the wildfires are concerned... I hope earth-quenching rains fall without lightning, and everyone gets home safely. 

On a lighter note... the Olympics are just beginning... proof the human spirit can accomplish great things that seem impossible to most.



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