Friday, September 20, 2024

Unforced Tragedy... There's No Reason




Why is a six-year-old little boy having to deal with the unnecessary, unforced tragedy of losing his Mommy at the hands of the backward-thinking, barbaric, asshats that deem themselves experts, and therefore make decisions based on their fictional intelligence. 

Amber Nicole Thurman. 28 years old. 

A D&C. That's all it would have taken to save that young mother's life. A D&C. That's all it would have taken. A procedure that has been around for more than half a century. A procedure that has saved countless lives of uterus-bearing humans worldwide for decades. It needs to take place for different reasons, but, as we have watched this horror unfold at the hands of morons, it becomes abundantly clear that it needs to take place when MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS deem it necessary. Whenever, and under whatever circumstances they and their patients agree upon. 

The ONLY people who should have a say. Period. 

So, for all of the pro-life people... that pro part, it doesn't extend to the Mother? 

Most of us have lost people along the way we cared for deeply. Tragedy happens. We don't need to force it. We should be using every tool in our collective toolboxes to prevent every tragedy we can. It absolutely makes NO sense to have the ability, the science, the know-how, to stop this kind of heartbreak, and simply refuse to do so. 

What if...

What if a group of people decided that appendectomies were morally wrong. Then they pass legislation making it illegal for ANYONE to get one. 

What if another group decides that pacemakers are evil?

What if another group objects to chemotherapy on moral grounds?

What if the groups who feel that blood transfusions are morally wrong pass legislation to outlaw them for everyone?

Should any one group of people make blanket medical decisions for everyone because they don't agree with it? 

You don't want a D&C, don't have one. You don't want to pursue IVF treatments... don't. You don't want birth control, don't use it. You don't want an abortion? Don't have one. You don't want gender reassignment surgery? Don't get it. 

Nobody is trying to force you do any of these things!!!! Calm your ass down! We are not qualified to make those decisions for you! Right?! That would be ridiculous!

You have absolutely no business making any decisions about anyone else's health and/or body. Period. 

These same idiots push lies about immigrants, causing bomb threats and school closures. Forcing people to live in fear over a pile of BS. 

Terrorizing innocent people should never be a card in a political hand, let alone played, and with such gusto, no less. Then defending and doubling down on the lies to fan the flames. Having the hillbilly militia roam the streets with automatic weapons. Just how are sane, rational people supposed to feel about this?!

This same group of sub-zero intelligence continues to REFUSE to introduce any kind of common sense gun laws. Even on the heels of two completely off-the-charts unstable members of this same group, who obtained the guns legally mind you, trying to take shots at their candidate! Thoughts and prayers?


Why does your supposed devotion to protecting kids stop the second they are born?
You don't want to make sure they eat or have health care, or support their parents through trying to bring down housing and childcare costs. You don't want minimum wage to equal a living wage, but you also don't want social safety nets in place to fill in the gaps. You don't want to make sure kids can go to a doctor, get medicine, get help with mental health if they need it, go to a dentist, read classic literature, learn how to be critical thinkers, have music as part of their education... or eliminate the need for active shooter drills. 

So, now, this little six-year-old boy has to grow up without his Mommy. Her family has to go on without her. 

A completely unforced tragedy... there's no reason... and this is just the beginning... if they get their way. 


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