Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Time Of Change...


All kinds of changes are happening. 

The kids are back in school, the pre-election circus happening on the south side of the 49th is getting, shall we say, interesting, and my hubby and I are selling the property we run our shop from and closing the doors.

It wasn't what we had planned. At all. I mean, we did plan to close and sell, but not for at least another 7 years. But, that isn't the hand we've been dealt. My hubby's chronic back issues are worsening, and if we don't stop now, the chances of him being able to walk upright into retirement, or to continue to walk at all, will become slim to none real quick. 

So, this will be yet another time in our lives when our resilience, resourcefulness, and positivity will be put to the test. Luckily, we've had a ton of practice. 

And I do mean luckily.

If you sail through life without a single serious hurdle thrown in your path, and then get hit by a life-changing hardship, chances are it could crush you. The first one hits the hardest, leaving you unsure if you can survive. After you get hit with the umpteenth sideswipe, you learn to pretty much take it in stride. We had our first few hits before we ever got married. 

You take the hit, you feel the hit, but then you find a way to get up. 

No, this is not what we had planned.

We are left with two choices.

We could ride the "why me" wallow express, stopping by every pity party on the way to the misery festival, or, we can make the best of the situation in which we find ourselves.

You never have to look far to find someone, anyone, who is dealing with more difficult circumstances than you at any given time. If they can walk through what they are going through, you got this, whatever this is, for crying out loud. 

By nature, I'm a perpetual optimist. Sometimes, it takes a day or two to process, but then, the opportunities and possibilities of all that could fill the next chapter start taking over. 

What I have found through the string of shitstorms we have survived, is just that. We survive. And... sometimes things work out even better than if your original plan had worked out the way you wanted it to.

Life is a journey of well-laid plans interrupted by an endless series of hurdles and happy accidents. 

Our plans influence the path, but let's face it, like on any long road trip, it's the choices we make when we encounter constructions zones, detours, bad weather, and car troubles that end up determining how we actually get to the destination.

I titled these ramblings, A Time Of Change... I'm thinking all times, every time, each time, is a time of change... if we just let it. 




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