Sunday, January 28, 2018

Soooooooo, Let's Talk About The Boobs Squish, Shall We?


Sooooooo, let's talk about the boob squish that some call a mammogram, shall we?

First, I want to make it abundantly clear how grateful I am to live where I live. I live in a place where, shortly after you turn 50, your boobs receive a letter from the health department to remind you that it's time for a mammogram. I live in a place where this is free. I live in a place where the only thing I need to be concerned about are the results. I know how lucky I am to be living where I do. I only wish this kind of medical care was available globally. Maybe someday.

Free, however, does not necessarily put in on the top ten list of fun ways to spend your time. 

For instance, I would bet my firstborn that the machine involved was invented by a male. You know that if it were guys having to put their testicles in a vice, there would absolutely, without a doubt, at the very least, be a chair. 

Just sayin'.

For instance, the design of said machine is such, that awkward, yogaesque poses are required to assure a good test. This means leaning, turning, and performing a couple of unrefined twists, positioning your arms and body just so. This, sometimes, requires some "adjusting" executed by the tech. In my experience, she was very professional, and kind, and, thankfully, had warm hands. The powers that be have figured out extraordinary things. Space travel, smartphones, Skype, but, a way to scan your boobs without having to have a total stranger go to second base as you impersonate an audition for the world's worst contortionist, somehow, eludes them. Just sayin'. 

All in all, a boob squish is just another one of those things that we, as women, have to put up with in order to look after ourselves. A small part of what makes us warriors. And, never kid yourself, warriors, we are. 


So, other than the little adventure with the boob squish, I also had a short meeting with Cheryl, the manager of a fine bookstore.

As a result, I'm happy to announce that Once Broken and Everyday Wishes For Your Extraordinary Life are now available at Cole's in Lawson Height's Mall in Saskatoon!

The rest of the week was filled with paperwork for the shop, laundry, slaying a few dust bunnies, writing and spending some time with some pretty fantastic people.


I'd like to take a second to welcome and thank new readers of these ramblings. It never ceases to amaze and thrill me when I see new countries on the top ten list. 

THANK YOU!!!!!!!


Until next time........

May we take a breath to recognize the fact that we are, all of us, survivors of our scarred, unique and imperfect circumstance.
May we remember, because of this we need to be kind, adjust perception, for people are rarely what they seem at first glance.

May we remember to embrace without judgment, for the impossibility of walking in another's shoes lies within the fact that each pair fits only one.
May we remember to support each other, lift each other, carry each other when needed, to lighten each other's burden, as many as we can before we're done.

May we remember to simply be mindful, considerate and kind, it costs us nothing.
May we remember, if done without expectation, the dividends are absolutely stunning. 


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