Friday, April 27, 2018

A Life Both Big And Small


Have you ever felt your life was tickling the edge of being too big to handle, then witness something so magnificent it suddenly makes what had seemed so huge, a pebble on a mountain range?

A life both big and small.

Perspective is a wonderful thing.

Have you, at the end of a long, exhausting day, been completely ready to finish it off with a glass of good wine paired with a generous helping of whine, then find out about a bus accident or some insanity driven by evil has eliminated multiple lives from their loved ones, injuring even more to the point that their new normal will be unrecognizable from the day before, making your aches, pains, and exhaustion a birthday candle in a forest fire?


On a somewhat related, yet still different topic, about the guy who rammed that vehicle into people in Toronto.....what in the actual hell?!

Incel..... a new term. Involuntarily Celibate. Seriously? Where and when I grew up that was called a  frustrated virgin.

To think that there is a whole "community" revolving around the idea that women who don't want to have sex with you are evil, guys who are successful with women are also evil, that basically, everyone on the planet who are happily getting laid are somehow evil and are intentionally leaving you out of some exclusive club, is a special kind of ridiculous.

I, for one, am claustrophobic which, in turn,  prevents me from taking part in the convenience of underground parking. Would I love to be able to park underground? Absolutely! It's out of the weather, it's more secure, everybody else seems to do it without an issue. But, alas, I can't. It's a personality trait, a part of who I am that makes it next to impossible to do so.

Now, I do have options. I'm sure if I pursued help through counseling, took time to get to the bottom of the problem, I could likely conquer whatever stands in the way of my successfully parking in the underground lots.

I don't blame all of the people who park like there's no tomorrow for my inability to join them. I don't blame anyone for the fact they all seem to park down there together without me. I don't blame others for not instinctually being aware of my issue and offering to park my car for me, then retrieving it at my convenience.

I haven't tried to create an InOv (Involuntarily Overground) rebellion, nor do I have the remotest desire to cause harm to the parking unchallenged.  Go figure.

So, for now, I simply don't park underground.

Again, so what the actual hell?!

Some have put it out there that the individual who inflicted this horror in on the autism spectrum. That is a completely unfair stigma to attach to those who live within that spectrum. People who actually live under that particular umbrella have enough to deal with without being attached groundlessly to this horrible act of violence.

Personally, I believe labeling people is dangerous in the best of situations, labeling without merit, in a situation such as this, is dangerously ludicrous.


To those who lost loved ones in this latest, hate-filled tragedy, my heart breaks for the senseless pain you are now left to endure.

To those who were injured, may you recover fully, quickly, and as painlessly as possible, with all of the support you could possibly want or need.


We live in a world where Mother Nature's astounding beauty and Humanity's worst ugliness coexist. Where the worst of what Mother Nature can put forth brings out the best in humanity.
Let's create communities that foster kindness instead of hate. Let's bolster a rebellion against violence.


May you live a life that is full, beautiful, bright, and as bold as you dare to dream.
May you, when trouble strikes, take a step back, for worries are never as big in the grand scheme.

May you live a life that brings you joy, lifts your heart, and fills your soul.
May you live a life where cherished moments, love and fun are the favoured goals.

May you live without the horrific hand of hatred reaching out to steal your bliss.
May you live a life of perpetual, persistent, peace, most of all, I wish you this.


Roadtrip to Colonsay tomorrow, see you there!!!

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