Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Enormity Of The Nightmare.....


Yesterday, in the late afternoon, a group of young men boarded a bus. They were likely excited, a bit rowdy, and maybe a little nervous, as they were on their way to a must-win playoff game in their hockey league.

Before they could reach their destination, tragedy, in the shape of a semi truck and trailer, hit hard.

A collision that claimed 15 lives thus far, and put 14 more in hospital. Some are injured worse than others, but all will forever carry the scars of the trauma.

Our hearts ache for your loss, so we send our thoughts and prayers.

All of the thoughts, prayers and deafening moments of silence, no matter how many, no matter how poignant, no matter how heartfelt, no matter how far-reaching, can never bring back the echoes of their laughter.

Thoughts and prayers and moments seem too small, but please know they are sent sincerely.

We send our thoughts and prayers, in hopes that you feel our support. In hopes you know you needn't go through this alone. We, as a human community stand beside you, ready to help in any way we can.

We, in those deafening moments, honour the memories of your sons. The hopes and dreams that will never come to be. The unlived what ifs. Although we may not have personally known them, we grieve for you and what could have been.

The thoughts, prayers, and moments seem small, but, I fear any response could only be dwarfed by the sheer enormity of this nightmare.

May some semblance of comfort find you when you are able to feel it.


Life shows us all too often how quickly it can be upended.

Hug often, hug hard, and mean it.


May every soul touched by this tragedy find what they need to greet each tomorrow.
May they, at some point, feel they aren't being completely consumed by their sorrow.

May you forgive any wrong words spoken, for no right ones really exist.
May you find a way through, through the fog of shock, the grief-ridden mist.

May you, one day, once again, smile without pain, without thought, feeling genuine joy.
May this day come sooner than you ever thought possible, when it does, embrace and enjoy.


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