Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Proof Of The Landing.....


So, there are some out there who doubt the schizophrenic weather we get in this part of the world. Here, there are the standing jokes of hoping summer falls on a weekend, and about how if you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes.... they are standing jokes for a reason.

Well, the first and third photos were Tuesday, the second and last, Wednesday. 

Enough said.


Ya know, this whole writing thing takes me places I would never have gone otherwise, leads me to people that I would have never had the occasion to meet, and presents opportunities I would have never imagined even existed.

Whenever someone walks up to my table at a tradeshow, or approaches me in a mall, or restaurant etc, it always blows me away. Sometimes it's someone who has found a connection to these ramblings, sometimes it's people who have related in a personal way to "Everyday Wishes For Your Extraordinary Life," sometimes it's heart-touching anecdotal stories involving one of my kids' books, sometimes it's about "Once Broken," and sometimes it's because they themselves have a story they would love to tell, and are looking for help in how to make it happen.

No matter the context, it floors me every single time. 

When you write, you never know where anything will land, how it will land, or if it will land anywhere at all. 

To have the proof of landing greet you with a hug is everything. 


Funny thing about dreams...

Dreams come in different shapes and sizes, not a 'one size fits all' kind of thing.
Dreams evolve, shift, melding to coincide with the journey brought forth by our choices.
Dreams can sneak up on you, disguised, unrecognized, revealing their truth only when ready.
Dreams for one can be nightmares of another, it's all in the perception, the perspective.
Dreams tend to colour outside the lines, live outside the norm, and have an allergy to comfort zones.
This is why we have to seek them out, chase them down, capture them, own them, polish them, and make them shine. 


These ramblings are hitting a bit early this week for a reason!

Thanks to a generous friend. who extended an incredibly generous invitation, I will be in beautiful Kelowna, BC this weekend! We will be celebrating, and welcoming an awesome woman into the "50" club. There will be wine, food, some sightseeing, and, in all honesty, there is a fairly high likelihood of some shenanigans. 

Definitely something outside of my norm, outside the lines, who knows what might be discovered....


May you find some time to spend, wisely, with whom, and on whatever you treasure.
May you see that time "wasted" catching up, laughing, resting, is precious beyond measure.

May you let the birds sing you awake, the sun kiss your face, the breeze brush your hair.
May you take a few moments to look up, hungrily breathe the incredible Spring air.

May the vibrancy of the season engulf you, infusing you with renewed vitality.
May you embrace all of who you are, this confidence, this strength, let it be your reality.


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