Friday, March 8, 2019

Celebrate Your Womanhood, It's A Truly Beautiful Thing!

International Women's Day!

We stand upon the shoulders of the women, the warriors that came before us. The women who fought for our right to vote, the women who fought for our right to education and career, the women who fought for our right to not be considered the property of men.

We stand as women, as warriors, with our arms encircling one another to offer support, and fight for our right for all votes to be counted, fight for our right to education and career, fight for our right to decisions about our bodies, they should be solely ours to make, for we are not the property of men.

We stand firmly, steadily, vigorously, as women, as warriors, so those who follow us may stand upon our shoulders. The women, the warriors that will fight to create the policies upon which we vote. The women, the warriors, who will fight for our right to every kind of education and career. The women, the warriors who will fight for the day that our bodies will be free to roam the earth without threat from men.

Never mistake our nurturing natures for weakness. Never mistake our silence for acquiescence. Never, for one minute, mistake our peaceful essence for surrender.

In a perfect world, we would not have to fight. In a perfect world, equality would be a given. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to teach our daughters all of the things they need to know to guard themselves against the dangers of walking the earth as a female. How to guard themselves every hour of every day, how they can never let their guard down, because if they do, and something happens to them, they will be the ones held accountable. Accountable because of what they might be wearing, where they were, who they were with, because they smiled.

I know how unlikely it is that this perfect world can ever exist. But, we can, and will, forever strive to make it better tomorrow than it was yesterday.

Fathers, teach your sons. Sons, teach your fathers. Brothers, teach your friends.

For today, International Women's Day, and every day, celebrate your womanhood! Wear what you want, say what you feel, walk with more confidence, less fear. You don't need permission to be yourself. Wear makeup, or don't. Wear beautiful bras, or don't. Wear cotton undies that tuck under your boobs, thongs, boxers, or nothing at all. Spend hours to create hair that could make the cover of Vogue, or walk through your day with a beautiful crown of bedhead. Celebrate your womanhood, it's a truly beautiful thing.


Until next time...

May you take this day to celebrate the women in your life.
May you celebrate them all, whether your sister, your cousin, or your wife.

May you come to understand the difference between toxic masculinity, and what it means to be a man.
May you, if you see it, call out the toxic, stand up, even if it makes you uncomfortable, know you can.

May you take this day to celebrate the women in your life.
May you celebrate them all, whether your daughter, your niece, or the one who gave you life.


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