Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Heartbeat Echo...


If you read these ramblings with any kind of regularity, you are well aware that we have some pretty adorable grandbabies. The ones in the photos above are the youngest two, thus far.

Just like becoming a parent, no one can really explain what being a grandparent is like. You can't really know until you're there.

I can't speak for anyone else, but this is what it is to me.

With your grandbabies, you get to have all the fun with minimal responsibility. You don't have to be the vegetable police, the bedtime Sargeant, or fart joke monitor.  At Grandma's house, the licking of the beaters is its own food group, bubble baths frequently outlast the 40-gallon hot water heater, and ice cream may or may not get served for breakfast, on occasion.

With your grandbabies, you are consumed by a love so big, so broad, so complete. The heartbeat echo of your love for your own babies. It kind of catches you by surprise, because you had resigned yourself to the fact that the all-encompassing love for your babies could never possibly happen again.

Yet, there it is.

With your grandbabies, you get to attend their events, cheer them on, be a face in the stands they look to. You get to do all of this without being the one who has to wash the sweat-soaked uniforms, figure out carpools, or provide team snacks.

I appreciate every day, the fact that none of our grandbabies are more than a two-hour drive away, three of the four living 10 minutes away. I treasure the sleepovers, stories, games and cuddles.

A time will too soon come when visiting Grandma's house will elicit a much less enthusiastic response than it does right now. So, I'm going to soak it in, bask in it, appreciate it, and enjoy the hell out of it for as long as I possibly can.


Well folks, that about does it for now. I have to head off to the basement to rehearse for a 2-night show next weekend. Prep for a tradeshow, also next weekend, and get some words to the page.

Take care all, and thanks for taking the time to read these ramblings from wherever you call home.


May you celebrate every precious giggle, listen to every fairy-filled story, and accept every snuggle that comes your way.
May you have the privilege of showing up to cheer them on at every recital, every game, every tournament, every play,

May you show them the fun things, the goofy things, the things that cause a belly laugh.
May you show them that it's okay to imagine a purple sky, polka dot grass, a winged giraffe.

May you help them to understand it's okay to live outside the lines, that not everything needs structure, not everything needs rules.
May you be that place for them, the fun place, the goofy place, the safe place to be silly, be free, where there is no need for 'cool'.


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