Friday, March 15, 2019

Until We Change...


Again, it has happened. A hate-filled heart walked into a place of worship filled with people praying, and opened fire.

Again, there will be families left without Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Children, and Friends.

Again, thoughts, prayers, and condolences are sent. Even if 99.9% of these thoughts, prayers, and condolences are sincere, which I truly believe they are, it's simply not enough.

All over social media, you see posts being shared and retweeted, cultivating fear which, in turn, becomes hate. The ideology that the "they" are after what is ours. Trying to take over our city/province/state/country/world.

You see it all the time. I just saw, the other day, a post circulating about putting prayer back into public schools. I can't help but wonder if those who are advocating for this, sharing this, would be okay if the prayers that were put into the public schools were Islamic, Jewish, Buddist...

If you wouldn't be okay with the prayers stemming from a belief system other than the one you hold, then is it really spirituality you are advocating for, or is it something else?

If you find yourself fearing the "they," do you know why? Is this fear based in truth or some dark belief that we are somehow "better" and "they" are after what we consider ourselves entitled to?

Fear and hate are human emotions that are easy to stir. It can be innocently provoked with the slip of a tongue, a flippant joke, an unfiltered thought. Imagine how easy it is if that is the end goal. If eliciting fear and hate is what drives you. Imagine you have this desire, this skill set, this goal and also have unlimited access to vulnerable souls in whom the seeds have already been planted.

We all have had misconceptions about us believed by others. All of us, at some point in our lives, have had people believe something about us that simply isn't true. It may have been something small, something that didn't really matter, or maybe it wasn't.

Fear and hate can only thrive if we nurture it, if we fail to stop it from spreading.

Until we change what we do, it will continue. Until we stop spreading misconceptions. it will fester.
Until we become brutally honest with ourselves about the basis of our fears, it will flourish.

These voices of hatred that scream in our ears, that confuse bigotry with patriotism, that quietly disguise themselves as righteous, that claim to protect us, they need to be held accountable.

The fact that we, as humans, exist at all is incredible. The fact that our tiny planet, but a speck in the universe, has survived, that we, as a species have survived, goes against truly astronomical odds. I can't let myself believe that we have survived all of it to live in fear of each other, to carry hate for each other, to hurt each other.

Until we change, nothing else can.


Until next time...

May we look in the mirror and face the truth about what drives our fear.
May we see the beauty in lifting all of humanity, not only those we hold dear.

May we recognize those whose sole mission is to feed the dark.
May we nurture light, if unable to find it, create our own spark.

May we create a safer, more peaceful place for our children, a space where they are truly free.
May they inherit a world filled with understanding, acceptance, a world where they can just be.


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