Saturday, March 14, 2020

CoronaVirus....A World Wide Humanity Exam

                                    (Don't know who to credit this to, just know it isn't me)


Well, what a year this week has been!

This pandemic is scary. It's unpredictable. It's crazy.

When Mother Nature takes it upon herself to throw a curveball she doesn't play around.

How we respond to the terrifying magnitude this virus carries, is at it's least, a test of our world leaders, and at most a test of our humanity on a global scale.

World leaders - For the most part, they seem to be doing pretty well. Acting responsibly. Listening to scientists and doctors, you know, the actual experts, weighing options, doing what's necessary to keep their citizens safe. They are having to make tough and, sometimes, pretty unpopular decisions. They are, as is a sign of any good leader, leading by example. For the most part, this is what leaders are doing. For the most part.

With a contrast that slaps you in the face at every turn is Trump. I really wish they would quit referring to him as the leader of the free world. He most definitely is not.

The free world did not vote him into that position. The free world didn't get a say in the matter. I'm not even 100% sure America got a legitimate say. Would he be in the Whitehouse if Putin hadn't put his thumb on the scale? We'll never know.

Leader of the free world.

This term, from what I have been able to find out, was kind of tacked on to whoever occupies the Whitehouse since America is kind of the 'big kid on the block' as far as free countries go. Pretty shaky criteria for such a prestigious and important title.

As a member of said free world, I, for one, would require better qualifications of a leader.

Maybe the criteria should go a little deeper than whoever carries the biggest stick. Maybe the leader of the free world should have to prove actual leadership skills. Maybe they should be able to genuinely show empathy, humility, kindness, you know, humanity. Maybe they should be a person of character, someone who puts other people's needs above his own, someone who strives to uplift, someone who is willing to sacrifice for the greater good, someone who knows right from wrong and proves it with their actions.

By sacrifice, I don't mean donating your $400,000/year salary as some fake gesture of generosity when you turn around and cost the taxpayers $300,000,000 in golfing expenses during that same 12 months.

Our Humanity.

To the few asshats who want to single out certain ethnicities as somehow being responsible for Coronavirus. Really?!

I'll give you three guesses as to who planted that little hate seed. Yup, the so-called leader of the free world. (seriously need to rethink the qualifications for that title)

To the toilet paper hoarders. One question. Why?

This isn't the Apocolypse. If things get really bad, you may have to spend some quality time in your home for about a month. How much toilet paper does your household use in a month? I'm guessing it isn't 100,000 rolls.

To those hoarding household cleaners. Again, why?!

Yes, you will need to clean your surfaces a little more often than normal, but just how dirty can your house possibly be?! Again, at worst, a month, just sayin'.

To those hoarding with the intent of reselling these products to those unfortunate enough not to have the means to stock up at will, turning some astronomical profit or profit of any kind for that matter, I hope your Mothers are proud of your philanthropy. Let me guess, you got your ethics degree from Trump University.

Mother Nature has most definitely thrown a curveball. One for which we won't know the entire impact for some time to come.

For now, let's look at it for what it is.

Yes, this is going to be a financial hardship for a whole lot of people. Paychecks will be diminished or missed altogether. Payments will get behind. People who suffer are already in financial stress will be pushed even closer to their limits.


It's temporary.

Protecting the most vulnerable is the most important thing we, as humanity, can do.

Let's do what we have to do to slow the spread of this thing as not to overwhelm our hospitals, their staff, and first responders.

There isn't much about this that we can feel in control about, but we can control staying away from crowds, being extra diligent with cleanliness and handwashing, not hoarding so everyone can get what they need, just being good humans.

This is a forced slow down. Nothing to hurry off to. The hectic has been lifted. Maybe for a month.

You may be working from home, but you're home.

Your kids may not be in school, but they are together and safe.

You're not running to soccer/hockey/dance/meetings/living in traffic.

A forced slow-down. The reasons are scary and can be anxiety-inducing as hell.

I, for one, am going to do my level best to take this time of distress and shape it into a time to de-stress.

Take care of each other, fellow humans!


Until next time...

May we all get through this, passing with flying colours, this test of our humanity.
May we get to the other side, intact, with some modicum of our collective sanity.

May compassion shine brighter than greed, and push us to help everyone we can.
May those who have in abundance, share with those in need, sans a repayment plan.

May those who can provide relief to those who live on the razor's edge.
May they use this as a means to build a bridge, not a wedge.

May we simply love each other through this overwhelming scare just as we should.
May we do it, like we were family, caring for our own, our global neighbourhood.


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