Friday, March 27, 2020

Define Hard...


Well, another week has passed. Another week of social distancing, another week of not going anywhere you don't absolutely have to.

Is it hard?  Well, I guess that depends on your definition.

To me, hard would be having a loved one suffer from the worst of this virus and not being able to be at their side.

To me, hard would be being the one to infect someone else, anyone else, and have them get sick.

To me, hard would be having to continue this for months instead of weeks.

So, staying home unless absolutely necessary, missing grandbaby cuddles, not going for date nights, though none of this is fun, I don't know if it qualifies as hard. Not really.

The more we stay at home, the quicker this is over.

The virus can't survive without a host. We quit providing the hosts, it dies. Period.

So yes, our privileged lives have taken a turn toward the boring, I think we'll be okay.

My heart goes out to those who were already vulnerable.

The homeless. The abused. The kids who depend on school for their meals.

These are the ones for which this is truly hard.

Please reach out in your community, wherever it may be.

There are charities that deliver meals, there are charities that help provide wellness checks, there are charities that can always use help.

Hard times shine a light on who we are at our core. Turn your talents into something that will help.

Be one of the helpers, as Mr. Rogers would say.

This experience is going to have a profound change in the way we look at life. It's going to change the way we walk through it.

Better or worse. Positive or negative. Grateful or bitter. Do you let it break you or build on who you know you are?  The choice is yours.

None of us are going through this alone. The distancing need only be physical.

Until next time. Take care.

We got this.


May you allow yourself to witness the kindness that is apparent in our midst.
May you see that, although serious, although scary, this is not the Apocolypse.

May you keep your distance from those not living within your walls.
May you keep connected with others, using all of the tech, even old school phone calls.

May we all do what's tough to do now, no matter how tough we find it.
May we all do what's tough now, to stomp this virus, kill it, grind it.

May we do what we have to so the veil of this thing can be lifted.
May we, when this is over, cherish the lives that we have been gifted.


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