Thursday, March 5, 2020

Well, I've Never Been HERE Before...Hello 54!


Well folks, as I write this on the eve of my 54th birthday, I can't help but smile. Life is pretty good.

I mean, it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good.

Does gravity seem to pull a little harder with every passing year? Yup
Do my joints make noises that I never knew existed 20 years ago? Yup
Is putting on eye make-up more of a challenge now that my eyelids are developing an attitude? Yup
Is putting on eye make-up more of a challenge now that my eyesight is developing an attitude? Yup
Is this menopause thing coming up with new and exciting ways to kick my ass every frickin' day? Yup
Has my BS detector developed superpowers? Yup
Am I more at home in my own skin than I've ever been? Yup.
Am I okay with not feeling the need to explain myself for every freakin' thing? Yup.
Has my priority list reorganized and become crystal clear? Yup
Am I an angel hair away from wearing white pants any time I friggin' want to? Yup

Leading up to this birthday, I made a decision.

 I quit dyeing my hair.

I've dyed my hair for fun for at least 25 years. I've been a blonde, a brunette, a redhead, and everything in between. Over the past few months, the idea of colouring my hair went from being fun to being something, I don't know, not fun. It took a bit for me to figure out why.

Colouring my hair was something I did because I enjoyed it, something I did simply for the hell of it.
After I hit 50, it started to feel more like it was something society figured I should do. Something that was expected.
I've never been someone who lets society dictate my choices. It's something visceral. It just doesn't sit right.

So I quit.

In doing so, I started to do a bit of snooping. I knew I couldn't be the only one feeling this way. As it turns out, I'm far from it. There is a silver movement out there. There are several groups on Facebook and Instagram. There is a full-on documentary, "Gray Is The New Blonde."

Who knew?

Does this mean I think everyone has to or should quit dyeing their hair? Absolutely not! Everybody should do exactly as they want to. It's hair. It's your hair. It's you. You get to do you however you see fit.

So.... 54. I plan on celebrating it. I plan on enjoying it. I so appreciate the fact that I'm able to do so. Too many don't get the privilege.


Until next time...

May you celebrate all of who you are in whatever way you see fit.
May you, with each passing year, step into more of who you truly are, owning every single bit of it.

May you celebrate your silver, if that's what you choose to do.
May you celebrate all of your colours, let them shine, do you however you want to.

May you dance through this shimmering time, noisy knees and all.
May you see that life, even if not perfect, is pretty good, might as well have a ball!

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