Friday, May 15, 2020

Cautiously They Cracked The Gate...


We've made it through another week! Yay Us!

The best quote I've heard all week, maybe ever, and it happens to come from a writer/cartoonist.

"Science will get us out of this,  but it will be art that gets us through it."

Whatever form that art takes, it carries us, whether you are creating it or consuming it. Books, music, movies, paintings, photos, poetry, sketch shows, cooking shows, talk shows, documentaries, or the shows that solve every crime in under an hour. Luckily there is something out there that suits every palette.

Science will dig us out, likely a lot quicker and easier if people would quit trying to take away the shovels.

Thankfully, not all leaders are created equally. Some, actual Leaders, are taking their guidance from science. They are walking a razor's edge trying to balance medicine and commerce.

Then there are the other, so-called leaders, The Idiocy Regime, the king of which spouted this gem, "If we didn't do any testing, we would have very few cases." This self-proclaimed genius and his intellectual equals seem to be allergic to reality. 

In places where humans are given more value than money, cautiously, they've cracked the gate. Now, it's up to us, as citizens to handle that responsibly. Baby steps, though small, can keep us moving forward. Giant strides will have us backsliding to a position that could be much worse than where we began. Causing another, maybe even more lengthy shutdown.

When I see folks flooding into restaurants and bars, with very few, if any, precautions in place, it fills me with a deep-rooted sadness. To me, these actions show a cold carelessness for the welfare of others.

Over 100 cases of this virus were traced back to a single guy who visited a few different nightclubs and tutored a few kids.

We don't want to be the hot wind on this grass fire.

The journey through this chapter is far from over, no amount of wishful thinking will change that. There is no magic potion, at least not yet.

Pretending it no longer exists, trying to throw more unsubstantiated distractions into the mix, or feeding the conspiracy minions the fodder of nefarious motives, pretending that certain demographics of society are somehow immune, none of this is actually helpful. You know what is helpful? Listening to the science.

Every real scientist says the same thing.

We can begin. With caution. With testing. With tracing. With masks. With distance. With protocols. We can begin.

What our lives look like in a month or two will be directly dictated by the actions we choose right now.

Cautiously they cracked the gate, how we handle that responsibility writes the rest of the tale.


For those on the front line...

May the actions of the many honour the actions of you brave few, the ones who work at the salivating mouth of the beast.
May you feel our support, let it lift you from your tear-stained sleepless pillows, give you some sense of release.

May you find the want to, to fight for us, marching past the angry faces that fight against what you are fighting for.
May you find the strength to carry the grief, a weight you bear not just for you, but for the families who can't come by anymore.

May you find peace when all that's left of this are the scars that have etched themselves upon your soul.
May the cheers continue and the redefining of 'essential' remain forever on the tips of our tongues, Heroes.

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