Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Mother's Day...Pandemic Edition


First, let me begin by making very clear that, though this week, I will be celebrating Moms in my ramblings, this, by absolutely no means whatsoever is meant as a slight or to diminish the dads out there, and all they do. It's just Mom's turn.

As many of you know, I am a Mom myself. A mom to 4 inspiringly kind, resourceful, brilliant daughters, two of which are Moms themselves.

I am an empty-nester mom and Grandma. My daughters are now 33,32,30 and 29, but that, of course, was not always the case.

When they were 4,3,1 and infant, things were much different. Clocks were irrelevant, sleep was nothing more than an interesting concept, and whatever was happening in the world beyond the needs of my littles was a mystery. At the time, I was also running a day home, and we had a movie rental business that we ran out of our basement.

But... we were not having to muck our way through a pandemic.

I think about being 'mom' to littles right now. Through this. No parks, no libraries, no extended family help, the stress, and fear that has to be suddenly factored into day-to-day errands. Homeschooling. Some already do this, so that part of this craziness wasn't as big an adjustment. The financial stress that has piggybacked this mess. All. Of. It.

When you add social media to the mix...

My hat sincerely goes off to those who have taken on learning a new language, are cooking gourmet meals every night, have created Louvre-worthy arts and crafts, and ninja gyms.

My hat, just as sincerely goes off to those barely holding it together, have become the grilled-cheese masters, and who break into a cold sweat at the mere thought of poster-board, glitter, and glue.

My hat sincerely goes off to those who have homes where the bathrooms are gleaming, the laundry is always caught up, and a dirty dish never sees the light of day for more than ten minutes, where dust bunnies don't dare exist.

My hat, just as sincerely goes off to who are struggling to keep their homes barely on the side of healthy, where laundry monsters never quite die, where dirty dishes get done...eventually and dust bunnies could cause a riot at any given minute.

My hat goes off to all moms.

None of us have done this before. We are all doing our best.

Your best and my best will not look the same... and that's okay.

If you are doing well, is there something you might be able to do to help someone who isn't?

If you are struggling, reach out. Asking for help is not a weakness, it shows the strength needed to get through.

The bottom line? Be kind. Put your side-eye away.

Moms are warriors. This is simply more proof of what we've known all along.

So, happy Mother's Day... Pandemic Edition, moms. Hang in there, there's never been a more perfect time to celebrate your imperfections.


For the Moms,

May you take a minute for yourself, whether it be a candlelit bath, or indulging in chocolate while huddled in your closet.
May you take the day, caring for yourself, let things go for a day, the meals, the teaching, the laundry, the dripping faucet.

May you know it's okay to cut yourself some slack now and then, cereal for supper is not a capital crime.
May you see you are enough, you are giving them your love, your patience, your heart, your soul, your time.

May you celebrate your imperfections, for they are what make you awesome, they are what make you, you.
May you celebrate your imperfections, your humanisms, we all have them, even gilded through flattering filtres, it's true.


Through this pandemic, of course, school and library visits have been postponed or canceled. With this in mind, I have story time videos available on my Facebook page.
They may just buy you a few minutes of quiet. Lol!

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