Thursday, May 21, 2020

Perfect Skies Oblivious...


How's everybody doing?

Things have begun to open up, more so in some places than others. The whispers of sporting events and amusement parks entertaining crowds are getting louder. More types of businesses are flipping their signs to open, some with more stringent precautions in place than others.

Are you feeling ok about going out for more than a carton of eggs and a roll of toilet paper? Feeling safe? 

I think it's pretty natural to feel a bit anxious about it. It's unchartered territory. None of us have ever crossed these thresholds before. Science is giving the best information it can, but struggles to keep up with not only the virus itself, but all of the misinformation that's being flung at the wall. 

The misinformation is more quickly spread than the science, and for one simple reason. Fiction requires far less research. There is, of course, much more freedom in providing content if you don't have to be bothered by pesky things like facts, facts put through paces by peer studies. If out of 1000 scientists, 999 disprove a theory, the chances of it being correct are 0%. 

Let's support actual facts. It's the safest and best way to move forward.

The worst of this thing has killed more than 342,000 people thus far, worldwide, in a matter of 5 months.
It has infected, but not killed more than 4,958,000. Many of the survivors were lucky in that they didn't suffer too many symptoms. Others, though they too survived, had a very different journey, one slathered in hallucinations, pain, and fear. Some suffering what could very well be permanent damage.

Studied, verified, and solid information is what will build the tools needed to kill this bug. Misinformation only slows actual progress. 

It's still not clear as to what the spreading of misinformation is supposed to accomplish. I would love nothing better than to have it explained, with honesty, by those who create it. 

I'm not gonna hold my breath.

In the meantime...

The world still turns, and those of us lucky enough to live in a place where it's deemed safe to do so, with tentative baby steps, are beginning, once again, to turn with it.

Perfect skies remain oblivious to the turmoil swirling beneath their majesty. 
Rivers still run, fish still jump, flowers still bloom.
Mother Nature will continue to paint with all of her darkness and light.

Humans have graced the surface of this dirt for but a minute, yet we perceive ourselves to be of its greatest import. 
Something tells me Mother Nature doesn't agree. 

This test of humanity is not one we can afford to fail. I think its lessons have the potential to go way beyond survival if we let them. 

As we step out, let's remember to be patient with each other, to be kind to one another, and to do our best to keep each other safe. 

Take Care.


May we pull from this wreckage the best of humanity, its kindness, its grace.
May we make it our habit to instill joy, not fear, in the eyes of our neighbours' face. 

May we allow ourselves to be still, and watch as our priorities rearrange.
May we not let fear keep us from surrendering to new thinking, bringing about real change.

May we not squander this chance to do better, this chance to shift our fate.
May we forever bang the pots and pans, never again letting these true heroes into the shadows, fade.


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