Friday, November 13, 2020

AAAAnnnnd We Fall Into Winter...



So, yeah, winter decided to show up in a big way. My hubby literally had force the door open just to get it to open wide enough to get his arm through to reach the shovel, then had to push enough, one-handed, to get the door open the rest of the way. 

This is my car. It's an SUV... Yeah.

With winter upon us, we are, collectively, going to be spending more time inside.

All over the world, cases of this virus are spiking, hospitals are getting full, and people are, tragically, continuing to lose the battle against this thing. 

The good news is that compared to the Spring, we know a lot more about it, how to fight it, and how to prevent it.

The simplest thing is wearing a mask. Yes, we most definitely still need to socially distance, incessantly wash our hands, clean surfaces more often than we did before, and keep gatherings small, tiny even. 

We are all tired of it. All of it. The virus, sadly, doesn't give a crap.

The holidays are coming and they are going to look different, just like everything else this year. We will have to be flexible in our traditions, maybe add a few new ones. Maybe accessorize your ugly Christmas sweater with an ugly Christmas mask. We might have to celebrate virtually, in some cases. Religious services will change, the littles' concerts will likely not be able to happen, dances, caroling. etc, etc, etc...

With a little ingenuity and imagination, we can still celebrate.

Companies all over the world are working overtime on vaccines, and they are getting super close to having a couple of options be viable. A lot of world leaders are working together to try and get the majority of the earth's population inoculated as soon as possible. It's going to require herculean efforts on all of our parts to get to the end of this thing. The vaccine will not be magic, and the logistics of getting everyone vaccinated will take time once it's readily available. 

We have to continue to be patient.

Masks are becoming mandatory in public spaces all over the place. It's not political, it's not infringing on your rights any more than wearing a seatbelt, adhering to a speed limit, or not drinking and driving.

It is a very basic, simple thing we can do to protect ourselves, our families, our neighbours, and our communities.

That's all. It shouldn't be a big deal. 

The shortest distance between here and the end is through a mask. It really is that simple.

So, let's all keep our bubbles small, use masks when you leave your bubble, wash you hands like crazy, maybe make a holiday gift of some nice lotion, hell, start a band like our grandbabies did on the weekend, when playing outside was no longer an option.

Nobody is asking us to shut down, we are simply being asked to do our part so we don't have to. If our hospitals get overwhelmed, we're screwed. It's just not that complicated. 

Let's put all the crap aside and just look after each other, shall we? 

We've got this. All we have to do is lift each other over the hardest bits.


May we take each other's hand, without quarrel, without hesitation, and keep each other safe.

May we all just do what we need to do for a while longer, it will be well worth the wait.

May we, on bad days, when we feel done, do it anyway, for each and every person who gets this thing is loved by someone just like you love yours. 

May we keep that in mind as those who want to refuse to be part of the answer, who protest for their right to put the rest of us at risk, justify it, of course.

May those who choose to deny science, instead, bathing in the ripples of conspiracy,

May you understand that history will only underline your ignorance, show boldly, the lunacy. 

May we all just see this for what it is. A virus. It cares not at all your beliefs, your race, your age.

May we all just see this as the thing we need to fight together, the sooner we do, the sooner we can turn the page. 


It's a great time to curl up with a good book...

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