Friday, November 20, 2020

The Home Stretch...



Okay folks, with vaccines on the horizon, almost within arms reach, we are in the home stretch of this nightmare.

With the change in weather, fatigue, and the onset of the holiday season, cases, unfortunately, are spiking all over the globe. Some places are dealing with it better than others, places where people, the citizens are following science, actual science, not fantasy fiction.

That's what it boils down to, I think. 

You may disagree with policies, restrictions, lack of restrictions, where and on what the restrictions are placed. That's fine. The thing that needs to be kept in mind, when weighing your disagreements, is the fact that this virus doesn't care.

If you are of the belief that wearing masks is part of some grand conspiracy to 'control' you, that's your prerogative. If you choose not to wear one, that is also your prerogative. 

If you are of the belief that wearing seat belts are part of some grand conspiracy to 'control' you, that too is your prerogative. If you choose not to wear one, your choice.

If you are of the belief that speed limits are part of this same, or some other grand control conspiracy, well, your choice.

As with everything in life our choices have consequences, both good and bad. 

Without a mask, you will likely be refused entry into many places. Your choice doesn't trump the choice of others. 'No shoes, no shirt, no service' now, and for the next few months includes masks. 

Just like you get a fine for not wearing a seat belt, speeding or driving under the influence, you can now get a fine for breaking restrictions put in place to keep the virus in check as much as possible. 

Restrictions and mandates can't work if people aren't willing to follow them. It comes down to us, the people, and doing whatever it takes to keep each other safe to the best of our ability. 

Just like a seatbelt may not save me in every kind of accident, it still makes sense to wear one.

Just like speed limits don't stop every accident, slowing down to the required 60km/h definitely helps keep tow truck drivers and first responders safe when there is one. 

Just like driving sober doesn't innoculate us against harm, it definitely helps keep us and others safer. 

If wearing a mask makes you feel anxious like it does me, you adjust. You learn to deal with it by being super-efficient when you do have to go places, or, just don't go. My feelings don't give me the right to put others at risk or yell at them for doing their jobs. 

The holidays are just around the corner. If we all do what we know we need to do to flatten that hateful curve one more time, we might actually get to celebrate, safely, in person.

For those who don't want to wear a mask and want to make that the war you want to fight, go ahead. You do you. Knock yourself out. Just don't expect everyone else to play along. Don't yell at people who are following the protocols put forth by science. Don't expect businesses to bend to you and your demands for special treatment. Wear a mask or don't go. End of story. 

Let's just say that my belief system, my desire to not be controlled, included my freedom, my right, to get drunk, and speed through a school zone while not wearing a seat belt... my beliefs sure as hell wouldn't make it any less dangerous. My belief system wouldn't change the reality of the situation. 

Vaccines are close. The logistics of getting the majority of the world's population inoculated so that it will actually have a chance of being effective will be a herculean task, to say the least. It's going to require global cooperation and the cooperation of every single one of us. 

We are on the Home Stretch. Can we just work together to get this over with already? We can fight later.

We've got this, we just need to lift each other over the hardest parts. 


Now, for the shenanigans south of the border. 

To say it's crazy would be a huge understatement. 

This clumsy clownish coupe attempt is so ridiculous it's scary. The wild conspiracy nonsense that is being peddled by this melting Joe Pesci wannabe blows the mind. To know there are people out there believing this crap is incredulous to me. 

Some guy who has been dead for seven years is supposed to be one of the masterminds behind this fantastical voter fraud scheme? Really?

Hundreds of thousands of votes were created fraudulently by some underground international deep state?! Really?!

The fact that people are willing to stand by and watch this happen without stepping in is beyond stupid. The Grand Cheeto lost this election by the same number of electoral votes that he won four years ago. 306 to 232. The only difference is this time, the winner of the electoral votes was also the winner of the popular vote. By a lot. Like tickling six million kind of a lot. 

It's been explained over and over and over again in the simplest of terms that the reason the Cheeto's lead disappeared in some states and he almost caught up in others is simply because of the order in which votes were counted. Some counted the in-person, day-of votes first like Pennsylvania, and some, like Arizona, counted mail-in ballots first. Trump voters overwhelmingly voted on the day of. Biden voters voted overwhelmingly by mail. 

That's it. Math. Counting. 

Trump has made one very grave mistake in his perpetuation of this conspiracy. You see, for a conspiracy theory to work, to be completely effective you can't put it to the test of truth. Taking this crap to court did just that. 

There, in court, they have to have actual proof. They have to have actual facts. Debunked youtube videos, bad intel and other just garbage information don't work in court, in front of a judge. They are finding out over and over again that people who are willing to lie for money are not so willing to perjure themselves. Lawyers are withdrawing because moving forward with the sham could get them disbarred. 

Maybe it's time to take a good look at the 25th amendment. Just maybe.


May we get to the end of this without the loss of too many more, when one more is too many.

May we find a way to heal, beyond the fever, beyond the divisions of which we have plenty.

May we allow ourselves to look past the nightmare, allow ourselves the joy of what's to come.

May we help each other to reach the other side of this, once again not have to search so hard for what's fun.


Until next time... nothing like curling up with a good book on a chilly day

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