Thursday, December 23, 2021

Happy Holidays!



Well, we are here! 


I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you who take the time to read these ramblings each week. Any given day, they are being read in no less than 25 different countries, every continent, taking part. 

I receive messages from people all over the world. Although cultures and geography dictate differences, we are all so very similar. So many of our struggles and joys grow from the same roots. Kids are kids the world over, and the challenges of raising them remain basically the same, the world over.

People everywhere are doing their best to raise kind humans who care, who share, who are independent, self-assured, and capable. The skills needed to be learned may vary a bit, depending on culture and location. 

People everywhere are doing their best with the tools they have, the trauma they've survived, the baggage they have accumulated.

No one arrives at the threshold of adulthood unscathed. What we do with the scars is up to us. Do we continue picking at them, keeping the wounds raw and sore? Or, do we choose to examine them, study them, acknowledge how they came to be, and then do what's needed to help them heal?

Healing ourselves is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. Scars left raw and sore will infect our parenting, creating scars in our littles. Life will deliver to our children more than enough hurt, and pain, they don't need to carry ours too. Life is heavy enough without that undeserved burden.

So, as the world gathers for all kinds of celebrations this time of year, especially after the year this has been, let's do so with the intention of lightening each other's load. Let's do so with the intention of spreading kindness, joy, and laughter. Intention feeds action. Actions have impact. Impact leaves a mark. Your intention dictates what kind. 

Thank you again for your continued support! From Australia to Serbia, from Zimbabwe to Liechtrnstein, from Colombia to Japan, and everywhere in between. Thank you!


Until next time...

May your every wish come true.

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