Sunday, December 12, 2021

May You Sigh Without Sorrow...



I just wanted to take a beat and sit in gratitude.

Because of the hard work of so many who dedicate their lives to science, my husband, our daughters, our sons-in-law, our grandbabies, and I are vaccinated against this nightmare. Are the vaccines magic? No, no they are not. 

But, they are a layer of protection that will help to keep us from getting very ill if we are unfortunate enough to contract this virus or any of its nasty mutations. 

As a direct result of their hard work, we get to safely have all of our kids under our roof for the holidays. 

I am grateful.

As I sit in my safe, warm, festively decorated house, with a fridge full of food, clean water to drink, and a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in, I am grateful.

As I sit at my laptop working on my second novel, I have the freedom, the space, to dream, to write, to create. I am grateful.

As I ready myself to help my hubby at our shop, I think of all of the small businesses that weren't able to survive the pandemic. I am grateful. 

As I bake treats for the holidays, and look forward to the bright eyes and smiles the goodies bring. I am grateful. 

As I sit on my floor wrapping little gifts that will put smiles on the faces of people we love, a position I wasn't always privileged to be in, I am grateful.

Everyone sits in their own circumstance. Everyone has their own reasons to be grateful.

I think the trick is to find things to be grateful for, even, and maybe especially when things are dark.

It's easy to be grateful when things are fabulous. 

If you are here, and functioning on any kind of productive level, after the year we've had, celebrate.

You've earned it. We all have.


Until next time...

May you have all of your holiday wishes come true, no matter how big or how small.

May you make the best of whatever this season brings, find joy, have a ball.

May you, if you find yourself alone, surrounded by a darkness that threatens to swallow you, reach out.

May you know, right now, in this moment, you matter, you're loved, if we don't hear your whispers, shout.

May you find peace, may your find joy, may you breathe without apprehension, sigh without sorrow.


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