Friday, December 17, 2021

Your Brick Wall Of Ignorance...


Well, the holidays are upon us, gatherings are happening, meals are being shared.

It's going to be all kinds of better than last year. 

As we are still in the midst of this horrible pandemic, it's not going to be 100% back to normal, but it will be a definite upgrade from the 'drive-by' version we had to navigate last year. 

It is guaranteed that there will be some who fuss, and have tantrums over vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine restrictions, mask mandates, blah blah blah..

These same people either can't, or simply refuse to connect the dots between their utter refusal to do what's needed to keep infections down, and the fact that these measures are still needed. 

You can't argue both against the measures that would make lifting the restrictions possible, and the restrictions themselves. Well, I guess you can, but not without being an idiot.

There seems to be some debate surrounding the awkwardness of asking guests you are inviting into your holiday circle about their vaccination status.

This baffles me. 

If you know someone well enough to invite them to your celebrations, you know them well enough to ask. If they know you well enough to be invited, they shouldn't have a problem telling you the truth. 

The conversation seems to circle around how terrible it is to make unvaccinated people feel uncomfortable, and how to make them feel 'okay' with telling you. Making them feel safe.

My question is this. If I'm inviting you, you know me. You would have a pretty good idea about how I feel about the importance of the vaccines and other measures, why are you even entertaining the idea of accepting the invitation if you aren't vaccinated?

Personally, I'm out of patience. I will ask. Point blank. And, if I'm not convinced, I will make you prove it. You will not be coming into my home unvaccinated. 

I don't care about any of your conspiratorial reasons for not doing what you should. And, honestly, I couldn't care less if that hurts your feelings. 

The data, real, actual, scientific, peer-reviewed data, has been playing out before our very eyes for over a year now. Vaccines are safe. They keep you from dying. They help slow the spread, and when partnered with the other precautions we know work, because... again, real-time, worldwide data, we can keep businesses open, we can go places, see people, and do fun things. 

I won't be coddling your refusal to accept reality. I'm done arguing. I'm more than willing to just let you be wrong. I'm just done with letting you do it near me. I'm no longer going to pretend to listen to it, to sympathize, to try to get you to accept what's real. I'm giving myself the gift, and the permission, to stop banging my head against your brick wall of ignorance. 

Does that mean I am cutting you from my life entirely? Of course not! But this will not be a subject I will entertain with you. Not any more. And, our conversations will be held at least 6 feet apart, with a mask on, or over the phone. 

Until the immunologists, epidemiologists, scientists, and doctors agree, and announce that this particular shit storm has passed, I will be doing everything I can to keep me, my family, and my community as safe as I personally have the power to do. 

So, will my family be under one roof for the holidays? You bet.

Are we ALL vaccinated? You bet.

Will we be cracking a few windows to increase ventilation? You bet.  

Will be taking other precautions to keep each other safe? You bet.

The holidays are already so hard for so many people, through no fault of their own. Why choose to make it harder?

Why make it harder for restaurant workers, or owners?

Why make it harder for retail workers?

Be willing to happily wear the mask or stay home.

Get vaccinated, or don't go to restaurants, bars, theatres, or concerts. 

Your body, your choice. You chose. These are the consequences. Deal with it. 

I choose joy.


Until next time...

May you who choose to hang on to conspiratorial delusion, break free, and choose joy instead.

May you find your way to reality, revel in its freedoms, putting all the world domination paranoia to bed.


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