Thursday, April 4, 2024

Food Is Not A Weapon...



So I will never claim to be an expert in much of anything. I learn what I can about international affairs with all of its intricacies and nuances. But things are complicated, never black and white, instead, many shades of every colour of the rainbow.

But, I do consider myself someone who values caring for our most vulnerable, no matter where they live, who they love, or what their situation. Kids live high on that list of vulnerable people.

When we hear of food and those providing it to children and other innocent people in parts of the world where unnecessary, unholy war is raging, being wiped out, it just doesn't want to compute. World Food Kitchen is an incredible organization that simply doesn't care where in the world you are, if you are suffering because of a natural disaster, war, or poverty. They don't care if you are religious or not, or what religion you may observe. they couldn't care less what your politics are, or through what colour lens you choose to see the world. They ONLY care if you are hungry, and then do everything within their power to rectify that.

Food is NOT a weapon... in war, or anything else.

When governments see that children are showing up to school hungry and want to put programs in place to make sure they are fed, there should be zero arguments against that. It's not a political game piece, with which to play your latest game of 'gottcha.' These are actual, real, living, breathing kids who, through no fault of their own, are hungry. What I find completely mindblowing is that the very same exact people who want to block programs like this are the exact same ones who claim to be pro-life, and are getting their panties in a bunch over queer content of anything to 'protect the children.' Yet, when they are faced with a real-world, real-time problem that little ones are actually facing, that they have the means to help fix, they want to prevent it from happening. 

Yet, they refuse to see the hypocrisy. 

Food is not a weapon.

Food is not something that children need to earn. Nourishment is not something that should be withheld for punishment. (breaks from junk food snacks excluded) No one, but especially kids, should ever have to pay for food with hugs, kisses, or other forms of affection.

Food is the most basic of human rights. Why aren't more people working to do something about humanity's hunger? Pro-life? Then where is your follow-through? You want them born, but then don't care if they get to eat?

Food is not a weapon. 

Poverty is not the fault of the poor. It's a symptom of our society. We want to treat billionaires who pay poverty-level wages like they are some exclusive group of special geniuses who have accomplished something grander than the exploitation of the workers that make and keep them rich. They pay workers too little to live on and then want to shit on the programs that provide the safety nets needed to fill the canyon-sized gaps left by their greed and blatant lack of decency. 

They keep them poor, keep them hungry, keep them afraid to quit. It's a classic abusive relationship. 

Food is not a weapon. 

The biggest worry for any child should be what story to read, what craft to create, what dance to learn, or what game to play. 

Food is not a weapon.


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