Thursday, April 18, 2024


 So this is what the middle of April looks like, this year, where I call home. I'm really not complaining, because, although not fun, it's also not that rare, comes with the literal territory, and it's basically angry rain. 

Mother Nature is going through some stuff and is letting off steam. 

And, yes, the first photo does depict a traffic light in the middle of absolute nowhere. But there is a camera attached to it, so unless you want a very expensive ticket, you stop at that red light. And sit there. For about 31/2 minutes. Without another vehicle in sight. Because they will be doing construction in the area. In 3 days. 

So, yeah.


There seems to be a bit of that going around.

Like buying autographed bibles, of all things. And not even autographed by Jesus or anything, just a guy who is, at best, a misogynistic serial adulterer with serious racist tendencies, at worst, well, he's been found guilty civilly of sexual assault and fraud, and will likely be found guilty criminally of at least a few things before the end of the year. 


Like trying to accuse, and/or impeach leaders with 'evidence' pulled from easily provable lies. 


Showing desire to take our society backwards, stripping away the hard-earned rights of women, people of the queer community, and other vulnerable swaths of humanity. Pushing for these dark-age changes for no other reason but fear. Fear of the strength that emanates from these warriors. Fear of true equality.


Voting and fighting against programs that will help feed hungry kids, house those who are struggling, make going to work more affordable through subsidized childcare, and make prescriptions and dental care more affordable. The very things that you agree should be a priority. 


Continually denying the fact that climate change and weather are not the same thing. Regardless of all kinds of data put forth from all over the world by experts in the field... for decades now. 


All of the conspiracy nonsense that continues to infiltrate the minds of those who lack the skill of critical thinking. The narrative that continually has to change to keep up with all the things that aren't coming to fruition for them. I mean, how many raptures were supposed to have happened by now? I've lost count. According to some rabbit-hole dwellers I know, we should all be dying by the thousands because of vaccines, windmills, and 5G. 


Actually believing that you can 'make' a kid queer. Ridiculous. No more than you can 'make' a kid straight. Reading queer authors, watching inclusive movies and tv, hanging out with drag queens. having queer friends can NOT change how your kid is hard-wired. No amount of hanging out with tall people will 'make' me taller. No matter how many books I read about people with straight hair by authors with straight hair, it can't 'make' my hair straight. You get my point. 


This is definitely NOT as important by any stretch of the imagination, but being rude to people in the service industry, thinking it will get you your way, somehow.  Just stop it. It is NOT going to magically make anybody want to help you, even if you have a legitimate complaint. And NO you are NOT always right. And YES you can be asked to abide by policies. And YES you can be trespassed/banned from private businesses. And NO you are NOT more important or better than any other customer, or any employee.


1 comment:

  1. Good read this Sunday morning. I agree wholeheartedly.
