Friday, April 26, 2024

When The Page Actually Turns...


So this is the view today! No snow, and, cross your fingers, there won't be any more for at least 6 months! 

The page from winter to spring has turned!

Changes are under way. The lifeless boughs of winter are sprouting pods that will become buds which will become leaves. A familiar change. Something that happens every year.

Then there are the changes that are new, different and don't happen every year. 

This will be the one and only time you are this age. So stop mourning your younger self, the body it inhabited, and the energy it had. Through life, if we choose to do it earnestly, we trade youth for wisdom, chaos for peace, sprinting, for a leisurely stroll. 

Most change is gradual, hardly even noticed day by day. I believe that's just nature being kind, allowing us to journey at our own pace. Your time walking this planet won't look like mine, or anyone else's, and it shouldn't, making comparing lives a complete waste of time. 

We have the freedom and ability, although not always the willingness, to step back every now and then and check the path we've taken, assessing with some objectivity, the choices we've made along the way.

Have our choices made life harder? Not just for ourselves, but for those who love and care for us? Have ego and fear weighed in too heavily? Afraid of failure, afraid of admitting mistakes, ego getting in the way of changing behavior to ensure mistakes aren't repeated?

The perfect life has yet to be lived. It's not possible. Perfection is a myth that humans have fed themselves. An impossibility to strive toward. No two people will ever completely agree on the definition of perfect, because it will always be skewed by perspective and perception. And, because it is impossible for two humans to have duplicates of either, perfection can't exist. 

So, stop it.

We are all out here just doing our best.

Walking through life trying our best not to hurt others on purpose. 

Walking through life causing as little damage as possible. 

Walking through life creating, and soaking in joy.

Walking through life acknowledging where we have messed up, where we've hurt others and changing our behavior to make sure it doesn't continue.

Walking through life with open arms internalizing the absolute equality of humankind. 

Change is inevitable in all things. 

Fearing it is futile, and causes nothing but anxiety, stress, and misery.

This spring, this year, will not be exactly the same as last spring, or last year.

If you are lucky, you will get to celebrate another birthday. If you're even luckier you will do so in good health. If you are even luckier yet, you will get to celebrate with those you cherish. 

There will be more advancements in medicine, technology, and science in general. New ideas will fuel new inventions. Things will change... even more. 

Change is inevitable in all things.

Even if we, as individuals, fight it within ourselves, out of fear or out of ego, knowing full well there are changes we need to make. Even if we fight it, refuse it, that won't stop it. If we refuse to own up to, and change our toxic behaviors, eventually those around us will make the changes. They will distance themselves. they will lose respect. They will leave. They can choose not to have that in their lives. 

Sometimes it becomes easier to walk away than to continue to beg for, continue to fight for someone who is not willing to fight for themselves. It becomes survival. You can only live in a poisonous environment for so long before it makes you sick. 

Enabling is not support. Enabling damages everyone involved. Everyone. 

Change is inevitable in all things. 

Very few people make a living the same way throughout their adult lives. Whether it was working your way through school, change of passion or side hustles. Feeling stuck 40+ hours a week is no way to live. Sometimes big changes need to happen to rekindle your fire. 

It's not always about the end result, but the fun you can have along the way!

What lights you up? Make whatever that is a bigger part of your life... Promise?

Change is inevitable in all things.

The climate is changing, no matter how many rabbit hole dwellers would like to deny it.

The world is changing. Some, for reasons that would require a whole other rambling, are trying to drag us backward, but progress toward a more accepting, equal society will prevail. It always does. 

Education is changing. Our kids need to be prepared for the world they will work in, have families in, and run. Preparing them for the world as we knew it when we entered adulthood would be ludicrous, and detrimental to every existing generation. Education is a living, breathing, evolving entity. It always has been, and has to be allowed to remain so, if we are going to survive as a species. 

Can you imagine if medical school didn't evolve?

Pregnant women would be discouraged from drinking alcohol, the only reason being it messes with their balance and they might fall. 

Cigarette smoke would still be blown in the faces of infants without a second thought. 

We'd still be using leaches to cure cancer, performing lobotomies on every person with a mental health issue, and being prescribed heroine for everything from headaches to hysteria. 

Change is inevitable in all things.

Without it, we would still be dying at alarming rates from things vaccinations obliterated years ago. 
Without it, we still would have a lot more people dying because they weren't wearing a seatbelt. 
Without it, we wouldn't have cars...

Change is inevitable. We can choose to be fearful of it or excited by it.

As the page actually turns, I know which one I prefer...


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