Friday, August 30, 2024

And That's A Wrap!


And just like that, the bike rides, movie nights, slip n' sliding, making new friends, playing at the park, with countless rounds of snacks and band-aids are over for another summer!

It's never lost on me how privileged I am to spend the summer with my three youngest grandbabies. So many don't get this kind of time. Time that allows conversations to go from chatting about favourite shows, books, and how school is going, to places that explore big concepts of how to be a good friend, how the world works, the things they feel could be better, how history has affected how we live, how the way we live now will affect the future, and how we fit into all of it.

Don't get me wrong, there are also plenty of conversations about music, what makes a movie good, the pros and cons of different cheeses, and trying to get me caught up in "Airbender" something or other. 

The summer is seasoned with laughter, games, and lazy mornings. They are old enough to understand when Grandma has to work, which I am lucky enough to be able to do from home, young enough to still like going for walks with me, and, well, just awesome.

If we are very lucky, we get to experience about 85 summers. We don't remember the first few, then way too many are taken for granted... living just on the short side of sixty, I'm not taking them for granted any more. 

I look forward to the Fall, but will miss the munchkins as they go back to their busy home life. 

As the leaves begin to transition from green to gold, as we start to see the big yellow buses lumber down the highways, as pumpkin spice invades the ethos, we say farewell to a summer well spent.

Savour the seasons. there are fewer than you think. 

Spend the time. Best investment you'll ever make. 


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