Sunday, May 22, 2011

We Are Still Here! Woot!

Hello and happy Victoria Day long weekend to my fellow Canadians, and I hope all my blog reading friends from around the globe are also having a great weekend.

I must say, it's nice to be here, writing my blog, sipping coffee, listening to the birds sing and the sound of visiting kids sleeping. Yes, it sure is, on this day after "rapture day."

I read last night that the man who is responsible for provoking people into selling everything they own, walking away from jobs and homes and who knows what else, has made an obscene amount of money off of the hysteria. And the kicker is, they may not be able to prosecute him for any crime. As I understand it, he can simply claim "oops," and walk away.

All I know for sure is this. He has done this twice now, so, if and when, the second coming, or rapture, or apocalypse or whatever does actually get here, I don't think I would want to be standing within a 1000 miles of that particular guy!

So on to other things!

This past week has been pretty cool. Last Saturday night, if you recall, we had a grad party to DJ. It went pretty well. The kids were great. They danced their little faces off until about 4:30am. Yep, we went to bed that night around the same time we usually get up! Lol

There was only one small hitch in the otherwise awesome evening. And, that was something no one could control. The weather! Yeah, not too surprisingly, being Saskatchewan in the middle of May, it got pretty frosty around 3 in the morning. So chili that my laptop protested for a bit, and caused somewhat of a hiccup in the flow of music. It didn't last long, though, soon we had them boppin' and hoppin' around the tent once more.

I'm happy to report that the glitch in my website is fixed! Whoop Whoop! I would try to explain what the problem was, but I have zero understanding of how those things work, and pretending would only serve the purpose of making me look and feel like an idiot. I believe I do that enough by accident.

The reading at the Kindersley library went really well. We had a great group of kids and adults come by to hear "A Crazy Day," and pretty much all of them bought a copy! A few more copies of  "Lexi" found their way into little hands as well. Topped the day off with two interviews. One with the local paper, and another for the radio station. So, keep a look out for the Kindersley Clarion and and have a listen to 1220/1330 CJYM and/or 104.9FM the Mix on, I think he said Monday! I know, cool right?! It was the closest thing I've ever come to a media blitz! lol

Also this week, I received an application to the Mistletoe Craft and Gift Show in North Battleford. I will definitely be sending that away right away. I don't want to miss it! It was such a good time last year!

I was lucky enough this week, too, to receive a very nice card from my Aunt Cathy. It was a congratulatory card with some very nice sentiments inside. I always, and will always, be very grateful for those acts of unexpected kindness. You can't have them happen, and go on to have a bad day. That's why I feel it's so important to pass them onto others. Yes, I said it, "Spread the Love"! Now you can consider your daily intake of cheese fulfilled.

So, for the upcoming week!

I need to get my ducks in a row for the tradeshow on the weekend. It ought to be pretty fun. It is comprised of home businesses, alot of which seem to be moms looking to make extra income. Sounds almost like a time travel experience to me! Anyway, my helpers for the day will be my Mom and my Uncle Tom. It will be a blast hanging out with them for the day!

Also this week, I look forward to hopefully some good weather so my "work" days can include taking my twin munchkins outside to play on the new play structure, which is being set up in their back yard as we speak! I know I say "my" twin munchkins, but I should probably clarify that they are a set of twins that I take care of 4 mornings a week. Yep, for those of you who didn't know, you can begin to hate me a little bit. My "job" is to play with two adorable toddlers 4 mornings a week. Yes, it does involve some diaper changing and nose wiping, but those of you who know me, and even those of you who know me only through my ramblings, have probably figured out I would be lost without having either of those things to do for any significant period of time.

So, if you are in the Kindersley area next Saturday, come by and see me at the Elks Hall!

Until next week!

May your troubles all be tiny, and your good fortunes, tremendous.
May any hiccups be smoothed easily and productivity be stupendous.

May your days become a little brighter as they pass on by.
May your nights be filled with rainbow dreams and the softest of soft lullaby.

May your "end" bring you to a place where your loved ones' hearts you'll capture.
May you find yourself, on that day, light years away from the guy spewing "rapture."

Have a great Week!

Where to find "Lexi" and "Crazy"

Our Drug Store - Unity
Prairie Rose Floral and Gift - Kindersley

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