Friday, December 5, 2014

Hip Hip Tag, You're It!


Wow, what a crazy week!

Ramblings are hitting a bit early this week. I'm home just long enough to unpack, do a quick bit of laundry, kiss my hubby hello and goodbye, repack and head off to the Battleford 2000 Christmas Bazaar at the Alex Dillabough Centre! It starts tomorrow at 10am and runs until 4 pm.

If you are in that neck of the woods tomorrow, I'd love if you'd stop by and say hi!

Yeah, this week has been a bit of a ride............

Monday was the usual stuff, month end, bill paying and the like........

Tuesday, I met my Mom in the city to help walk her through her hip replacement surgery that was happening the following day.

After a night of restlessness on both our parts, we made it to the hospital and the day then truly began. I'm glad to say that the surgery went beautifully, and as of yesterday about 1pm she was sparky, looking great, and joking around with the nurses.

At that point I had to hit the road back to the shop, tagging in my younger sister.

Another reason to be grateful. Because I come from a big family, it's all I've known. When things like surgery come up, sometimes it just doesn't work out that one of us can take Mom from the ride in, through surgery, the ride home and care for her at home until she can get back on her feet. Sometimes the tag team effect comes into play. How does the tag team work, you may ask? Well............

Sis-in-law drives Mom half the distance into the city-

Her daughter (granddaughter) picks her up from there and drives her the rest of the way - *tag*

The granddaughter brings her to the hotel where I am ready and waiting...*tag*

Mom and I make our way to the hospital the next day for the surgery. After she comes through with flying colours,  she gets settled in her room. The next day I come back to check on Mom, making sure she is still doing ok and has everything she needs. I have to hit the road...texting my younger sister to let her know I'm leaving...*tag*

My younger sister will then take over, keeping tabs on how Mom is doing and finding out when she will be released. On release day, she will text sis-in-law and she will come to pick her up..*tag*

At the other end (Mom's house) my eldest sister will be ready and waiting for her, staying for about a week to get her on her feet. *tag*

Then, if she needs a few more days, my eldest brother will come and help out...*tag*

That, my friends, is how a tag team works, at least for us.

Now that I have bored you with the schematics of our family tag teaming abilities, I will further invade your brain space with what will be coming down the pike in the next few days...........

Participate in the Lions Bazaar in Battleford tomorrow........................

Get caught up on some shop chores, hopefully getting ahead a bit so we can take a couple of days off for the holidays.....................

Get some writing done!...................

Sneak some grandbaby snuggles........................

Get some Christmas baking done!

Unleash the snowmen!!!!!!!!

With the holidays coming up, in whatever form they may take for you and yours, the importance of family really comes to the forefront. Family, in all it's glory, blood or not, big or not, it's all family.

No family gets through life without it's hurts, without it's scars, without it's heartaches, without it's fights. Acceptance and forgiveness play a huge part in family harmony. It's not always accepting and forgiving others that's the hardest part. Most times it's accepting and forgiving ourselves. When we are busy beating ourselves up, we end up keeping at arms length the very people that can love us through our troubles.

Hanging on to past, perceived transgressions with consuming fury can only weigh us down. How can we move onward and upward while tethering ourselves feverishly to the very things that hold us back?

The past has no place in our futures. Draw from it, learn from it, reflect on it and let it go. None of us are perfect. We all do the best we can with what we know and from where we are. It's all any of us can expect from each other, and ourselves.

Life is short, and in the end, family is everything.

*Dismounting from soapbox in my Santa suit, landing in a snowbank,...................... head first*

Well that about does it for me, for now. Until next time................

May your holidays be filled with boisterous laughter, great food, and delightful conversation.
May every gift bought or made hit their mark and be an incredible sensation.

May every event be a great time, filled with music and light.
May everything about them be completely merry and bright.

May you be in arms reach of those who need a hug, and administer it with feeling.
May you be immersed in the warmth of giving, for it is extremely appealing.

May you see the reasons for gratitude that lay before you every day.
May you recite them endlessly, for gratitude lights up everything, in every possible way.


Take a peek! Some great gift ideas!

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