Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

The holiday of romance is once again upon us.

If you are in a relationship, casual, committed, or some combination thereof, this day brings with it pressure.

Hell, even if you're single the pressure is there.

Single- pressured to find your "soul mate"

Casual- pressure to make it committed

Committed - pressure to make it "perfect"

As someone who has been in a committed relationship with the same person going on 30 years, my entire adult life, I offer this..............

Don't buy into the crap.

First..."perfect" doesn't exist, and no amount of Hollywood romantic comedies will ever change that.

Relationships are life. They are messy, they have crap storms, they involve imperfect people. Expecting a perfect relationship to somehow sprout from imperfect people is just crazy.

Let's move on to "commitment.".......commitment should never feel forced. It needs to be organic, feel natural. It's never good for it to be prefaced with "we should".  It's one of the few times in life you don't really have to make a conscious decision. Your heart and your instincts tend to make it for you before your brain has a chance to catch up. Once you are at a place to make the cognitive choice, you discover  your heart beat you to the punch long before.

Now, as for finding your "soul mate"........................ I believe deeply that there are special people brought in to our lives. People we share levels of connection we simply don't share with others. I think "soul mate" is one way of phrasing it, kindred spirit, may be another. I don't think these people are limited to the one you "fall in love" with. I know I, for one, have a few "soul mates."

I think we all do... you know them when you meet them. You know, those people you meet for the first time and it feels like you've known each other for years. Brother from another mother..sister from another mister.....those people. Soul mates....absolutely.

So for those in search of your "soul mate", chances are, at least a few have come across your path already. As for the one you will fall in love with, I really believe that they will come into focus when you are ready for them, and they are ready for you, and not a minute sooner.

That being said, celebrate! This Valentine's Day, celebrate! Celebrate being single! Celebrate a newly found friend! Celebrate the one you love! Celebrate the one you fell in love with, and will continue to love until your last breath. Celebrate!

As for this past week......................

Things are moving along quite well at the shop, busy, but not crazy.........

The books I'm working on are coming along, a little slower than I'd like, but coming along.

Wedding plans are moving along.....a daughter who is also an organized bride doesn't hurt a bit.....

All in all a great week!......

As for the upcoming week..............

Date night with the hubby....always a lot of fun...........

Long weekend just never know.............

Working at the shop...........


Aaaaannnddd that about does it for another week....

Until next time I'll leave you with this Valentine wish......

May your day be filled with love, celebration, joy, pure bliss.
May you participate whole-heartedly, for if you don't, such fun you'll miss.

May romance fill the night, making this a date night extraordinaire.
May it be a night of beautiful surprises, an evening without worry, without a care.

May you enjoy every minute, every second, every breath, every flash of a flirty smile.
May you enjoy, whether the first timid steps, or the comfort of tried and true love, it's all completely worthwhile.

Until Next Time.........

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