Tuesday, February 18, 2020

If You're Not Sure, Don't Share...Truth Matters.


We seem to live in a world, of late, where peddlers of misinformation are working 24/7 365. It seems that more and more people are sharing untruths without even knowing they are doing so, accepting what they see as fact.

In this day and age, when making fake seem real is getting easier and easier it gets harder and harder to differentiate between the two.

I've noticed an influx of stuff shared from youtube that when you dive a bit deeper find out has absolutely no truth to it.

I've noticed things shared from what at first look like legit news sources. Again, when you dig a little, you find out these bits of "information" are completely unfounded and untrue.

Truth is something that means a lot. It's important. Facts are important.

When big issues like protests, elections, and civil rights are in the balance, even more so. Real people are involved, and not everyone stays behind their keyboard.

Too many times misinformation proficient in stoking fear and rage leads to violent acts that cause physical and emotional irreparable harm.

Let's be a bit more mindful. Let's be a bit more careful. Let's do a bit of homework before we share. If we don't want to dig, that's all good too, just then, do us all the favour and not share.

If you're not sure, don't share. Truth matters.


Facts are stubborn things. Truth has a way of coming out, no matter how you want to dress, twist or bury it.

Conspiracy theories tend to stay theories because they lack facts to back them up.

They always seem to come out big and bold, spreading poison as far and fast as they can. Then, after time, once they've been disproved, they quietly seem to disappear. Those that were spouting the lies suddenly don't speak of them anymore, or just deny they said it to begin with, no matter how many times they went on tv, where they record things, spewing the venom. 

I've seen where they are being interviewed about something they said. They deny saying it, so the interviewer shows them the tape where they are literally saying it, and they deny it again.

It's so bizarre.

"I like blue."

Two days later...

"So, I heard you say you like blue, but now you are saying you don't?"

"I never said I like blue."

"Roll tape"

"I like blue."

"You see where you said you like blue?"

"I didn't say that."



In order to buy into that kind of logic, you have to suspend all means of reason.

Strangely enough, there seems to be a core group of people who do lap it up.

They find it more reasonable, somehow,  that everyone on the planet outside of their belief bubble is conspiring, lying, and putting together elaborate schemes. To what end? I'm not sure. To rid the Whitehouse of Trump? The election will take care of that. All of the other drama is self-inflicted.

Facts are going to constantly get in the way of misinformation. It's not an elaborate conspiracy, it just is.


Until next time...

May nightmares of conspiracy give way to reason, and what logic dictates to be true.
May the gaslight dim long enough to erase the shadows of conjured villains, letting reality shine through.

May the bridges singed through this page in history lead to a path of eventual healing.
May it stop being about us against them, and become more about we, and our unlimited ceiling.

May we find civility, true nobility, a way to walk through this world without hate.
May we show the best of who we are, stop proving the worst, before this bitterness seals our fate.



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