Saturday, February 1, 2020

You Have Nine Months...


Is it just me, or have the Republican senators, over the past week or so, Bill Cosby'ed Lady Justice, beat her to a bloody pulp and left her in a ditch?

I mean, I'm not even American and even I know enough about their constitution to know that this has
been a complete shit show.

Arguing that the prosecutors have no first-hand witnesses while simultaneously actively prohibiting first-hand witnesses from testifying.

Complaining about the lack of paper trail proof while ignoring subpoenas to produce documents.

Then out and out voting to refuse witnesses and documents. In a trial.

It completely blows the mind.

To watch a supposed brilliant legal scholar make the argument that if the President thinks his re-election is what's best for the country then actively seeking foreign interference to help make that happen can't be impeachable, no matter how smarmy those actions might be. If I hadn't watched it live, I wouldn't have believed it. I had to rewatch it a few times before it really sank in.

They have to know that all of the truth will spill out into the public domain, and chances are it will be before November.

It will be interesting and, I'm not gonna lie, a bit scary to see what happens next.

He bragged about grabbing women by their genitals - all good
He's been credibly accused by more than a dozen women of sexual misconduct - all good
He paid off porn stars and playboy bunnies to keep them quiet about affairs, some of which took place shortly after his third wife gave birth to his 5th kid.- all good
He lies. About EVERYTHING, all the freakin' time - all good
He conspired with bad actors to try and force another President to announce some bogus investigation into someone who will, if given the opportunity, kick his ass in the next election.- all good

Maybe he really could shoot someone in the middle of fifth avenue and get away with it.

When he got elected, I knew it was going to be sad. I knew that our neighbours to the south were in for a bad storm. What I had hoped, was that there would be enough good people around him to keep him in some kind of check.

He's put kids in cages after ripping them from the arms of their parents- all good
He's kicking people off of food stamps- all good
He's kicking people off medic-aid- all good
He's run the national debt through the roof- all good
He's a racist.- all good

These are the things he does in plain sight. If he unapologetically does these things in the light, what the hell is going on under the protection of darkness? No one seems to care enough to check him.

The Bully King reigns.

They just had their shot to get him out of their Whitehouse, and they didn't take it. They could have banned together as citizens that care about their country, about each other, and rid themselves of what has proven to be a horribly unsuccessful experiment.

I just can't figure out why.

He's a cancer. If you had a cancerous tumour, a tumour that you contracted through a litany of bad choices, but it's a tumour that you could surgically remove, wouldn't you do it? They didn't. Instead, they are encouraging their cancer to take over their entire body. Not doing anything that might stop it, or even slow it down. They are, instead, feeding it, making it stronger.

In his 280 character rants, he doesn't hesitate to dump on anyone and everyone who has the misfortune of landing in his crosshairs  None of them are immune. Any one of these Senators could easily be next.

So instead of unarming the bully, they cower. They bow to every whim of the Idiot King, afraid of what? That his words might cost them their jobs? Okay. I can't think of a job that I would be willing to keep at the cost of who I am. A job for which I'd be willing to sell my soul.

Believe people when they consistently show you who you are. Take to heart their actions, not their words.

America, you show all the signs of an abused spouse, we are here for you, waiting patiently as you gather the strength to remove him from your house.

He will do everything within his now unlimited power to manipulate the system to keep that from happening. Be diligent. Be wary.

You have nine months.

Get behind whoever ends up running against this Idiot King.

Don't let the exhaustive nature of his wrongdoing numb you to what's happening before your very eyes.

Take breathers, but come back. Always come back.

Don't allow misinformation put in front of you by Russian bot farms form your opinions. Research before you share.

Fight for your freedom before he convinces you that he IS your freedom.

When the time comes. Vote.

Help those around you get to the ballot box. Make sure your voice is heard.

If they try to put your ballot box beyond your reach, reach out for help to get there.

Last time, he was perceived as a joke. This time, make him one.


May you stay the course, keep marching, keep fighting, it will be worth it in the end.
May you stay strong, stay standing, see that he is poisoning you while he pretends to be your friend.

May you see as he hands you flowers with one hand, his other wields a knife.
May you see that he is fundamentally altering your home, your life.

May you see that though the journey seems endless, the light is but a few months away.
May History document all of it, every single piece, so those who sold their souls can live in infamy.


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