Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Battlefords, If I Can Make it There.........


Well, it was fast-paced, noisy, a little time crunchy at times, and a complete blast!

Yep, my most awesome "roadie" as she was most lovingly dubbed, and I covered 6 elementary schools on Friday.

The first stop was at 9:15, where I read both books to about 60 kids. Next one was at 10, another 60 or so kids. Next, I think was at 11, another group of about 70 or so. Then it was time for a lunch break.
After lunch we headed over to another school, another group of 65ish or so kids that contained 6 different sets of twins! Kindergarten to grad 3, six sets, Crazy! Anyway no time to doddle! Next reading was at 2:45 I believe, with another 60-65 kids. Then last but not least, I did two readings of each book at the final school for about 75-80 kids. It's a pretty big school, so they had split up the groups.

So fun! Read Lexi and Crazy Day to almost 400 kids in one day!

Now, don't get me wrong, by the end of the last reading of the last book, my tongue was starting to feel like it belonged to somebody else, and I was starting to run out of gas a little. But, I just kept reminding myself that, yes, this might be the 6th time I'm reading this today, but it's their first time hearing it. I want this to be just as fun for the 400th kid as the first.

As always, after each reading, I opened the floor for questions. I love the way kids think! Yes I got the usual, "How long did it take to write this book?", "How many books have you written?", "Where do you get the ideas for stories?". But I also heard a few new ones like "Do you know Robert Munsch?", "Do you make big bucks doing this?", "How does it feel to be a famous author?". So funny!

Oh yes, and of course the inevitable " How old are you?" "How many kids do you have?", and "What are their names?"

As each group left the room, I was given high fives, asked for autographs, hugged, thanked, and told over and over again how much they liked the books. Pretty incredible stuff! Another pinch myself to see if it's real, kind of moment.

Still have to shake my head occasionally, and let it all sink in. Sometimes I just can't fathom that this is my life!

It was an incredible experience, and I would be remiss if I didn't thank Dana and Lori profusely! Lori, for co-ordinating and setting up readings, and Dana for being an incredible host and the most fantabulous roadie ever! Last, but not least I also need to thank Garmin, for creating an idiot proof GPS system that brought my sorry butt to Dana's door, safe, sound and in the dark, without further assistance, Thursday night. On the drive, I was hoping I wouldn't have to call Dana to get her to meet me at the edge of town, again, and let me follow her. I kept thinking, if I can just make it there.... if I can just make it there..... And it brought me right to her doorstep. Easy as that!

So Friday evening after a long day of readings, it was very nice to kick back with a couple of old friends, partake in a couple of cocktails, some bbq steaks, and make each other laugh until it hurts.
I am a very lucky person.

On Saturday, after a wonderful brunch at Lori (the sewing goddess) and Jeff's house, it was time to go shopping for material and patterns for the Lexi puppets!  Yay, one step closer! Still need to find the material for her ringmaster outfit. Who knew that blue with red dots and yellow and purple striped fabric would be so hard to find! Lol

I can't wait!

Just so you know I did sit down with a guitar this week and try to play. Apparently, I really suck at this, so I'm going to have to be very diligent about working at it, or the musical portion of my trips up north this fall will be extremely short! lol

I'll figure it out, right?

For this upcoming week,

Guitar, guitar, and more guitar!!!!!!!!!! Everything else? As of yet, unplanned.

Until next week!

May your life take you places you never knew you'd go.
May you be open to the whatever happens, try to say yes, not no.

May you conquer something scary, be it speaking, singing or dance.
May you give every opportunity, even frightening ones, a fair chance.

May you find what truly makes your heart sing, and hang on fiercely with both hands.
May you know in your heart you deserve to live every happiness and not just watch it from the stands.

Where to find books:

Crandleberry's : North Battleford
Our Drug Store:  Unity
Prairie Rose: Kindersley
McNally Robinson: Saskatoon and Winnipeg

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