Saturday, April 7, 2012

Long Weekends Are Awesome!


To those who celebrate Easter, I hope this one is the best ever! To those who don't, I hope you are having a great long weekend, as well.

It's a bit chilly where I am, with a wind that could carry away a small child, I'm hoping wherever you are, a nice leisurely coffee on your deck/patio/balcony/stoop/front porch is on the agenda for this weekend.
I can't wait to be able to wear flip flops without the threat of frost bite! Sooooon, very soon!

The kids are hitting home pretty sporadically, this weekend, Our oldest, her hubby, and Ethan, came Thursday and left this morning, the other three girls and Jake will be here tomorrow. I'd love it if they could all be here at once, but, I'll take it.

Our daughter is doing much better, feeling stronger, slowly but surely. Hopefully, soon, she will be feeling 100%. Thanks so much for all of your well wishes and notes of concern.

So, last Saturday night, while our youngest daughter and little Jake were here for a visit, we decided to go to our local theater to go to the movie "Big Miracle", it was a great movie. Jake did great, he was sooooo good through the whole thing! No small feat, if you take into consideration that our "local" theater is 20 miles away, and he is, shall we say, less than crazy about spending that much time in his car seat.

Well, I'm glad to say "Tags Go In The Back" is pretty much ready to go to the printer! I just need to check with them about the timing. You see, my hubby and I are taking some vacation days in August, and would like to use a few of them picking up the new book in Winnipeg. Generally, it takes about 3 months for the first printing to be ready, but if there are any glitches it can take a bit longer. I need to find out if they will charge me storage if the books are finished before I am able to pick them up.

I'm pretty excited to see the facility and meet the people I've been emailing and speaking over the phone with for so long. Not to mention, I'll be saving the pretty significant shipping charge!

Also, this week, I bit the bullet, and made an appointment to see a physio therapist about my neck and shoulder. Can't really say I'm very excited about that. Actually paying someone to beat me up, something about that doesn't sound right, somehow.

On a brighter note, I did get a chance to work on music for the weddings coming up this summer. Getting closer and closer to being ready. The first one is May 12, at a resort here in Saskatchewan, it's going to be beautiful!

Thanks to 2 of my daughters, I'm pretty stoked about the progress made on my "side project" this week. I'm still not sure it's going to come to fruition as soon as I would like, but, time will tell.

So, for the upcoming week:

I need to get the situation with "Tags" figured out, and hopefully sent away.

Go to work

Go get beat up by physio therapist.

Run plethora of other errands of which I am sure most of you are very familiar

Work on "side project"

Work on Wedding music

Hug grandbabies and daughters

So, folks, that's it for another week. Thanks so much for taking the time to read these ramblings. If you are so inclined, I'd love if you "liked" my page on Facebook and maybe share it with all of your Facebook friends!

Until Next Time:

May the breeze of spring renewal fill the sails of your imagination.
May you be inspired to try new things, travel outside your comfort zone, without planned navigation.

May April showers fall upon you, nurturing the buds of ideas and creativity growing within.
May your May "flowers" bloom with such vibrance and strength you can't resist giving in.

May the thought of possible failure not hinder your pursuit of coloring outside the lines.
May you know the only true failure, is to not even try.

Have a Great Week!

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