Saturday, May 3, 2014

Who Knows Flowers?......Ummmmm, Not Me!

Ahhhhh, a rose by any other name.........this isn't a rose, but those that know me will tell you, I'm not exactly what you would call a flower connoisseur. I know a rose when I see one, and petunias, and almost always a poinsettia, other than that, I love them, but I can't call them by name.

Thankfully, there are very flower savvy people in the world. So, when people like me, let's call us, "blossom-challenged", enter these massive, humid, plant-filled green houses hoping to put together a few flower pots for our decks, we have someone to steer us in the right direction. Well, in my case, living in a small town, I, gratefully, am able to walk in and ask for enough flowers to fit several pots "yay" big  that will look nice, handle the wind, and won't die immediately if I forget to water them for a couple of days. From this, these green thumbed magicians put together these beautiful combinations. I've also learned that if you are willing to pay a little extra, they will even put the pots together for you! It's amazing what these flower pots can look like when put together by people who actually know what they are doing!

When I do them myself, it's pretty much petunias. All kinds of colours and sizes, but...... petunias. I am able to get them in the pots without committing mass planticide. Done.

I tip my hat in a big way to the green thumbed among us.

So, another week has flown by. Fast.

We are gratefully, very busy at the shop. We are getting great support from a growing client base, covering an area that seems to get bigger all the time.

I know it's not saving lives, or changing the world in any big way, but there is definitely a sense of satisfaction and contentment that comes from helping people every day. Yeah, it's just helping them have fun with their toys, but it's helping them have fun! Pretty cool business to have.

To close out the work week, we closed the shop a bit early today in order to get to the city in time to pick up a few parts for some upcoming jobs and drop off one of our speakers to get fixed.

Now, just cross your fingers they fix it in time for our next show.

About that, I'm working on taking our karaoke business into the digital age. It's going to require downloading and learning to use some new software, some trial and error, some youtube tutorials, and probably a few swear words,ok, probably more than a few, but I'll figure it out. Hopefully in time for our next show.

If I still had a comfort zone, this would be outside of it. But, I pretty much left any remnants of a comfort zone behind a while ago. No comfort zone = No restrictions =No limits = The freedom to do everything you thought you couldn't.

*Dismounting soap box in my usual ninja style* ( in my mind, stealthily and quick : in reality, probably more  like an over-tired toddler attempting their first somersault )

As for the upcoming week?

 Get more clients on their way for their future camping adventures.....................

With any luck, get my next book sent off to the illustrator............................

Make yet another call to my favourite courier ..............................

Start digital karaoke challenge.............................

Hang out with a grandbaby or two....................................................

Well folks, that about does it.....until next time, I'll leave you with this wish........................

May you awaken every day with joy, contentment, gratitude, and grace.
May your day begin with a smile, a smile that lights up your entire face.

May you rediscover the happiness in moments taken for granted by your younger self.
May you take advantage of knowing now, what you didn't then, leave negativity on a forgotten shelf.

May you use your gained wisdom to it's fullest, allowing it to lead you on your way.
May you trust your hard earned life education, use it, and add to it, every single day.

Until next time...................

Mother's day is around the corner...... "Everyday Wishes"..............

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