Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fute Poops and Politics.....................................


Well, if you reside in North America, you, whether you like it or not. have been bombarded with politics.

Here at home, in the Great White North, we are having an election later this month. Yes, I believe a voter needs to be informed about the platforms on which each candidate is running. Yes, I believe we should be informed. Informed being the operative word. I'm not sure if all of the ads on tv, and on the Internet which are overwhelmingly abundant with presumed shortcomings of opponents and the apparent weak foundations on which their platforms are built, can be considered real information.

I guess I wish they would concentrate more on giving clear, concise, truthful, real information on what they are about. They, themselves. No bashing, no name calling, no bull.

I wonder if that will ever happen?

Then, when you take a trip a bit to the south you get more of the same, only on a bigger scale. They aren't even voting for another full year, but the mudslinging has already kicked into high gear.

It seems like it's boiling down to whomever can throw the best mud wins....I'm not convinced that talent makes a good leader.................

For my part, I will become as informed as I can, and make a choice based on whatever remnants of real information I can scrape off of the floor of the mudpit. Then, just hope beyond hope that with whomever wins, the country and it's citizens' well-being at least makes the top ten on their to-do list.

On a lighter note.................

Just in case you needed a reminder...............toddlers are awesome............

When asked what they would like to have for breakfast:

Laney (2)- Fute Poops (Fruit loops)
Jakey (3)- A Lego (Bagel)

Playing hide and seek:

Jake is counting: one....two....fee......four......fie........sick.........sewen.......q........nine.....twelveteen..........ready or not!!!!!!!

Playing with our pet:

Laney: Awwwee kitty cuuuute, need nummy! And this oh so gentle little soul then proceeds to try and drag our 11 year old cat across the kitchen to his food and water bowls, by his tail. He is not amused.

Laney:, swaddling an aggravated old cat is not a task to be taken on by just anyone. It takes both patience and perseverance. The cat hasn't the former and the toddler hasn't the latter. Win/win?..... We'll call it a draw.


Well, this past week has been another busy one...............

Halloween costumes are pretty much figured out....................

Work has been happily hoppin' along.................

Some dust bunnies were sent to a better place..........

The laundry monster said was faint, but I swear I heard it......

As for the upcoming week.........

We will be setting up sound equipment at the shop to do some rehearsing.............

Spend the weekend at home........................

It will be another busy one at the shop........................


Oh.......and squeeze some munchkins, of course...............

Well folks that's about it for this time around, until next time, I'll leave you with this wish..........

May your choices lead you to places you truly want to go, whether you chase excitement, serenity or both.
May they take you on a journey filled with happiness, light and joy, minimal struggle, soulful growth.

May you allow yourself to be wonderful, full of wonder, ever discovering new things that delight and tickle your soul.
May you have faith that all will work out as it should, you make choices, but the outcome is always beyond your control.

May you, when choices seem overwhelming, and you feel all you do is jump through hoops,
May you take that time to just say "screw it", for now, count to q, and eat a giant bowl of fute poops.

Until next time........

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